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Meaning of Adolescent b.ed notes| Characteristics of Adolescence Period b.ed notes


The word 'adolescence' has been derived from the Latin word 'adolescere' which implies 'to grow to maturity'. an individual becomes ready to make throughout this stage.

According to Jersild, "Adolescence is that the amount through that a growing person makes transition from childhood to maturity."

According to Carmichael, "Adolescence has been outlined as that point of life once AN immature individual in his tens approaches the fruits of his physical and mental growth. Physiologically a personal becomes a youngster with the arrival of time of life and therefore the ability to breed his kind. Chronologically time of life usually happens in ladies between the twelfth and therefore the fifteenth years with a spread of concerning 2 years in either trigonometric function of the figures. For boys, time of life tendencies to occur from one to 2 years later than it will for ladies.”

According to Hadow Committee Report. "There may be a tide that begins to rise within the veins of youth at the age of 11 or twelve. it's known as by the name of adolescence. If that tide will be taken at the flood and new voyage begun within the strength and on the show of its current, we expect that it'll locomote the fortune.”

According to psychologist, "The post-puberal amount during which individual self responsibility is established."


"The one world that best characterizes adolescence is modification. The modification is physiological, social science and psychological.” - Bigge & Hunt

1. This can be a amount of easy recapitulation of infancy that not exhibits the soundness that marked later childhood.

2. This can be a amount of nice stress and storm as a result of many new instincts and emotions emerge and disturb the temperament of the adolescent.

3. Associate degree angle of dependence is once more seen. The dependence, however, isn't on oldsters, however on friends. The criticism of friends specially resented. His mingling together with his peers will increase his feeling of belongingness and to win approval.

4. As regards ingenious activity and worship, fairy tales get replaced by novels of journey, travel, history and different literature. A flash cinema star becomes the hero that the adult worships. academics ar susceptible to be exalted into the position of Hero.

Adolescent-Hero-Worship could end in sentiments of affection for the ethical qualities of his hero.

5. Gregarious impulse becomes sublimates into definite styles of social behaviour.

These altruistic impulses and heart burning want of the adolescent ought to be directed by the teacher into fruitful channels.

6. The adolescent is unstable and unadjusted with the encompassing world

7. During this stage self-assertion is stronger. He needs to free himself from bondage of all adult restraints.

8. The adolescent leads extremely life so is ever-changing within the states of mind. he's intensely excited or deeply depressed.

9. There's exuberance of imagination. he's intensely self-centred and introvert, retreating himself from the important world

10. Sex instinct is that the most distinguished feature of the amount "like the overflow of a good river" says Slaughter. "It irrigates and fertilizes nice tracks of life-territory." So moral character is chaotic and sublimation is needed for this instinct.

11. Intellectual development is reaching its most.

12. It's during this stage that scientific, philosophical, humanistic interests begin to require form. Poetry, science and important thought monopolise the adolescent mind and also there ar imprecise doubts and queries in his or her mind concerning the constitution of the universe and the society.


Boys and girls, who are 13 and 14 years of age, are called as pre-adolescents.

It may be noted here that some psychologists consider boys of twelve years and girls of eleven years of age as pre-adolescents. Thus, preadolescence refers to the end of the later childhood and the beginning of adolescence.

1. The girls are more than a year ahead of the boys in most phases of development through this period

2. The comparative serenity of later childhood is left behind and the emotions begin to play a more obvious part in their lives

3. Anger is very common. It usually comes out of a feeling of inadequacy.

4. The preadolescent shows his concern for the family by anxiety when any member of the family is in poor health or any other serious problem.

5. Moral and spiritual development takes place and preadolescent boys and girls feel concerned about honesty, etc. Their sense of simple justice is high.

R. G. Kuhlen has emphasized that there are certain characteristic needs of adolescent boys and girls which effect their personal and social behaviour. These needs are:

1. The need for status and acceptance.

2. The need and desire for independence.

3. The need and desire to attain vocational fitness and material well-being.

4. The need and desire to follow codes of conduct and ideals.

5. The need for understanding and 'completeness'

6. Sex and other biological needs.

7. The need to develop such habits as function in the form of motives - A habit or a set of habits, once established, tends to carry its own motive power..."
