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Piaget (1940) considered that the development of a child's orientation towards other people gradually proceeds from ego-centrism to socio-centrism.

This means that as the child grows his moral development shifts from the stable norms made by him in his own mind towards the changing norms of the society which are related to the well being of people living in the society.

The child is his early life has stable ideas regaridng what is right or wrong.

A child of six years when asked if any change in the rules of playing games with marbles can be brought about answers 'No'. This is because his father and grand-father have played the games, within the framework of rules prevalent in the culture. Therefore, he feels that the rules of games are sacrosanct.

On the other hand, a child of twelve or thirteen years answers 'Definitely Yes" According to him, rules can change if all the players are prepared to change them. Hence, in him there has developed the concept that the rules are the consequences of mutual understanding

According to Piaget a young child is controlled by an uncivilized type of moral idea of retributive justice.

He feels that an evil person must be punished. He is unable to think the reasons for the evil in man or for breaking the laws. If the law is violated the punishment has to be given.

On the other hand, an adolescent makes his moral judgement on the basis of its appropriateness. The punishment must be based on the responsibility of the person for the crime.

If a child has dropped his bread in water the other very young child will not be in favour or giving him another bread. He must get the punishment for dropping the bread.

On the other hand, the adolescent will agree that he should be given another bread keeping in view of his young age.
