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Principles of Growth and Development b.ed notes in English

Principles of Growth and Development b.ed notes 

Studies have been conducted by psychic scientists in relation to growth and development. These studies have shown that changes resulting from growth and development are inclined to follow sufficiently definite principles.

In other words, the process of growth and development follows certain principles. These principles are called by the common principles of growth and growth. It will be vital and important for the educator of education psychology to know the principles that govern the process of growth and development.

Some of the major principles of growth and development are: -

1. (Principle of Continuity) 

2. (Principle of Individuality)

3. (Principle of Modifyability) 

4. (Principle of Definite and Predictable Pattern

5. (Principle of Uniform Pattern) 

6. (Principle of Integration)

7. (Principle of inheritance and environment interaction)

Childhood and Growing Up b.ed notes in English

1. Principle of continuity

As per the principle of continuous development, growth and development is going on continuously at a constant rate. Sometimes it runs slow and sometimes very fast. The process of growth and development implies a sense of wholeness. Growth and development cannot be divided into separate steps. For example, the process of growth and development is very rapid in the early years and slower in the following years, but the development process continues unabated. The principle of continuous development suggests that there is no sudden change in growth and development.

2. Principle of individuality -

The principle of the individuality of development suggests that the pace of development of different persons varies. It can be said in other words that each individual develops at his own pace. The existence of differences between two children of the same age, physical, mental, social or character, indicates the individuality of development. That is why children differ from each other even when they are similar in age.

 3. Principle of Modifyability :-

The principle of modification of development is that modification is possible in the speed and direction of development. In other words, efforts can be said to Orient the pace of development in the desired direction and at a faster pace. This theory of development is considered to be very useful in educational terms. The education process is followed by an effort to lead the growth of children in a more rapid direction as desired.

4. Principle of definite and predictable patterns :-

Every species, whether it is an animal species or a human species, has a definite pattern for its evolution that is common to all members of the same species and all members of the same species follow that pattern. Though individual differences are observed among the members of a species, these variations are very small and cannot affect the general trend of that species.

Developmental models for different aspects of development can be known by observing the growth of a group of individuals for several years. Development of other persons can be predicted based on these models of development. This principle is also addressed in the name of development order or direction of development (principle of direction of direction). For example, there is plenty of evidence to show the systematic and predictable pattern of growth and development in the field of physical development.

The prenatal life of the origin of the life after a sequence of the brain. Which means that there is first the brain area (head region), then the trunk area (trunk region), and at the end there is the growth of the body in the foot region (leg region) and the control of the various parts of the body. This continues to be the order of physical development even after birth. The child learns first to control the upper limbs of the body, i.e. The head. Then he learns the control of the hands, then he learns the control of the torso.

5. Principle of uniform pattern :-

According to the theory of the same pattern, the pattern of development of the same race is found in equality. Every species, be it an animal species or human species, is following a model of development corresponding to its species. For example, the pattern of development of human species in all parts of the world is the same and there is no difference between the development patterns of human infants.

 6. Principle of integration -

According to this theory the evolution of the different organs is in harmony. The child learns first the whole parts and then the different parts of that organ. He then learns to coordinate all these parts. Unless there is coordination between the various organs and the parts of the body, there is no proper development. The integration of the various organs makes movements simple and easy.

7. Principle of interaction between heredity and enviornment :-

According to this theory, the evolution of a child is the result of heredity and interplay of the environment. Not only inheritance or merely environment determines the direction and movement of the child 's development, but the interaction between the two controls the direction and movement of development.

In fact, inheritance determines the limits beyond which the child cannot grow further, while the environment determines the development opportunities and possibilities between those limitations. In the absence of a good genetic character, a good environment may be of no consequence and a ill - fated environment of a good inheritance may make the child vulnerable to malnutrition or serious diseases or dislocation its innate potential.
