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Developmental Characteristics of Infancy | Characteristics of Infancy Stage

Developmental Characteristics of Infancy

The salient features of childhood in terms of physical, mental, social, emotional and moral development are as follows :-

1. Rapidity in Physical Development

2. Rapidity in Mental Potentialities

3. Rapidity in Learning

4. Tendency of Repetition

5. Curiosity Tendency

6. Dependence on Others 


7. Feeling of Self Love

8. Emotional Expression

9. Development of Social Feelings

10. Instinctive Behaviour 

Characteristics of Infancy Stage 

1. Rapidity in Physical Development

In infancy, especially in the first years, physical development takes place at a very rapid pace. There is a rapid increase in length and weight. Other organs and muscles of the body develop gradually.

2. Rapidity in Mental Potentialities 

During infancy, the development of the child 's psychic abilities like meditation, memory, imagination, sensation, perception, etc. are rapid. It is believed that half of the total mental development of the individual takes place till the age of three.

3. Rapidity in Learning 

The child 's learning speed is very fast. During the first six years of infancy, he learns almost as much as he learns during his childhood and twelve years of adolescence.

4. Tendency of Repetition 


During infancy, the child tends to repeat words, sentences, or verbs especially. The child enjoys revision.

5. Curiosity Tendency 

The child is more inclined to curiosity. The little infant stirs his curiosity by throwing away toys and other things, either in parts or in any other way. A grown - up child asks compliment of various types, why, and how, of various things from children above him or her.

6. Dependence on Others 

A baby remains in a totally helpless position for some time after birth. He relies on others for love, sympathy and protection along with food and other physical needs. He is especially dependent on his mother.

7. Feeling of Self Love 

In infancy, the instinct of love inside the baby, called narcism (narcissim) is too strong. He seeks to find the love of all. He wants only he get the love of mother, father, brother, sister etc. He becomes jealous of them for being loved by other people besides him.


He has a strong sense of authority. It seeks its possession over everything. He does not want to give his toys and things to others and wants to keep everything with him.

8. Emotional Expression 

The baby at birth has no emotions other than stimulation. But by the age of two, he develops the four major emotions known as fear, anger, love and pain. Some psychologists regard the crying, Shouting, throwing arms and legs as emotive action that a baby displays emotional behaviour right from birth.

9. Development of Social Feelings 

In the early years of infancy, the child lacks social sentiment. The little baby wants to play alone. But in the later years of infancy, social sentiment in the child begins to develop. He takes interest in other babies and likes to play with them.


A boy who is four or five years old attempts to defend his younger siblings or colleagues. He likes to play with other children, shares others in his objects, takes care of the rights of other children and tries to console other children in their troubles, sufferings or sorrows.

10. Instinctive Behaviour 

During infancy the basis of behaviour is usually primary instinct in children. The baby may cry when he is hungry and take anything that comes in his mouth. In the event of anger, the child expresses his anger by crying or throwing hands and feet or by throwing away the objects near him.
