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Education During Infancy b.ed notes | Childhood and Growing Up b.ed notes

Childhood and Growing Up b.ed notes 

Education During Infancy

Infancy in human life is of vital importance in education.

Valentine has called the Childhood as " Ideal period for learning."

According to Watson the scope of learning and intensity in childhood is higher than any other stage of development.

It can be very useful and meaningful to take into account the developmental characteristics of this period when providing education for a child during infancy. So while organizing the education of the child in this period, it will be important to pay attention to the following:

1. Proper Environment


A quiet, healthy and safe environment is necessary for child proper growth. Therefore, efforts should be made to provide a calm, healthy and secure environment for infants at home and pre - primary schools. 

2. Nurture

Physical development has special significance during infancy. Nutritious and balanced food is necessary for physical growth. Therefore, Care must be taken in the child 's breeding and nutrition so that he gets healthy and nutritious food.

3.  Affectionate Behaviour

The baby has to depend on others to meet his needs. Therefore, Parents, teachers or others must not take advantage of the inoperative position of the child. Infants should not be scolded or punished for any action. The requirements of infants should not be neglected. The child should not show fear or anger, but should be treated with kindness, love, courtesy, sympathy, affection.

4.  Satisfaction of Curiosity


The child wants to pacify his curiosity through a variety of questions, so parents, teachers and others should try to pacify his curiosity by giving satisfactory answers to his questions.

5.  Development of Sociability

Towards the end of infancy, the child begins to meet, talk and play with other babies. To develop a sense of sociability, it would be necessary for the parents and teachers to give him suitable opportunities to mix and play with other children.

6.  Opportunities for Mental Activities

The mental development during infancy is very rapid. Therefore, the child should be given the greatest opportunities for thinking so that he can develop his best mental development.

7.  Opportunities for Conversation


Conversation is of vital importance in the development of the language of the child. Parents and teachers should teach and remind infants short stories and poems. Conversation with babies should be done in simple language.

8.  Opportunities for Self-Demonstration

The child has a sense of self - realization. Therefore, he should have ample opportunities for carrying out his feelings. Through poetry, recitation, art, sculpture, etc. infants should be given an opportunity to demonstrate their ability.

9.  Formation of Good Habits

The habits of an individual constitute his or her future life. The baby should start from the beginning towards good habits.

10.  Attention on Individual Differences

Development pattern indicates that there are individual differences in infants. Therefore, due attention should be given to the individual differences while providing education for the natural development of the child.

11. Importance of Learning by Doing

The child is active from birth. He has an innate taste in sports. Therefore, efforts should be made to learn and to teach through games. If infant education is provided in accordance with the above - mentioned points, it may be possible to achieve smooth and spontaneous all - round development of infants.

12. Knowledge of reality :

The child moves in the world of imagination and it is understood as the real world. They must, therefore, be educated in the Montessori method which brought them closer to reality, displace fairy tales because it takes the child away from reality.

13. Development of self - dependence

Self - reliance motivates the child to learn, work and grow himself. So let him be given freedom and be self - reliant.

14. Development of Innate traits 

Every child develops or is born with certain qualities. So, teachers and parents should learn from these inherent qualities and develop the child accordingly. That is why special attention is being paid to child education in the modern age.

Features of Infancy Stage
