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Types of Curriculum b.ed notes


Types of Curriculum b.ed notes 



There are many types of curriculum. Types of curriculum depend on their organisations. Organisation refers to a group of two or more people who work to achieve one objective. No one can accomplish a great task by himself and hence needs an organisation which makes it easier for him to accomplish anything big.

Similarly, we have read that the scope of the curriculum is very wide and that components are required to create a wide variety of curricula and that the components play a major role behind the curriculum. Organisation means a curriculum prepared by a group for the purpose and for their achievement. Just as every individual has a different thinking, so organizations forming each curriculum have different objectives on which different types of curriculum are formed.


Types of Curriculum 


1. Subject centred or teacher centred curriculum:

As the name itself suggests, much attention is paid to the subject in such a curriculum. This type of curriculum was introduced in ancient Greek and Roman schools. In a subject - focused curriculum, textbooks give more attention and curriculum is prepared as the focus of the subject. Such a curriculum does not matter in the case of a child 's interest. Under this curriculum, the teacher provides the information provided in the curriculum to children and children acquire the same knowledge.

Such a curriculum may be called an unorthodox curriculum, because such a curriculum does not attract the attention of the child 's interest, capacity, etc. In this type of curriculum, books on different subjects are prepared by giving a prominent place to the boy about gaud and the subjects. This type of curriculum is also called book - centric curriculum as the link of knowledge is entirely focused on books.


2. Child centred curriculum:

Such a curriculum places the topica and the boy at the top. This type of curriculum was first used in the laboratory school at John dewey and from here began this type of curriculum. In this type of curriculum, the child is considered to be the focal point and the curriculum is designed on the basis of the child 's interest, needs, status and capabilities. The objective of such a curriculum is to develop the child fully.

3. Experience centred curriculum:

This type of curriculum is related to the child 's experience. Thus this type of curriculum is based on the child 's experience. This type of curriculum focuses on the experience of children more than textbooks. The curriculum is, therefore, designed on the basis of the experiences of children. Thus, such a curriculum places greater importance on children 's experience than on books. It works on the principle of learning by doing the curriculum.


4. Activity - centred curriculum

This type of curriculum was first suggested by the American educationist John Dewey. John Dewey, therefore, is considered the pioneer of the activity focused curriculum. Construction of such curriculum is based on the actions. Activities are performed on various activities from the boys in activity centric curriculum. These activities are performed according to the interests and demands of the society and the child 's interest and aptitude. The curriculum is thus constructed with the combined collaboration of teachers and children.

John Dewey feels that the work should be done by the children and that will prove useful to the community later on.

Kilpatrick provided a project method for teaching in such a curriculum and the Mahatma Gandhi laid stress on basic education.

In such a curriculum, therefore, work is conducted for children which need and importance in society.


5. Objective centered curriculum:

B.S Bloom suggested the tripolar process for evaluation in which

  •  Educational objective
  •  Experience gained during learning
  •  Behavioural change

 The building of an objective - centric curriculum has a variety of objectives and it is the most widely used curriculum at present.


6. Career centered curriculum:

It is indicated by the name of vocational course that the curriculum which is focused for is called vocational course, that is, from which a curriculum is formed by looking at the basis of the child 's profession. In such a curriculum, the child is prepared for a future and bright future. Under this type of curriculum, a child is prepared for his/her sources of income in future.

 It is through such a curriculum that the child develops skills that will enable the child to become self - reliant in the future and earn a living for himself. Now a days this type of curriculum is most sought after, making it easier to get employment than before.


 7. Craft - art - centric curriculum:

Craftsmanship is considered as a very old art and as Gandhi has given more emphasis in his basic education curriculum, the focus of his basic education curriculum is that of architecture. The craft provides knowledge to the children in the school about the craft like agriculture, wood work, leather work, etc. Under such a curriculum, craft education is essentially imparted. Apart from the teaching of architecture, attention is also given in other subjects like the mother tongue, painting, mathematics, social science, science, and general knowledge, etc.


8. Compact Curriculum :

 This type of curriculum involves knowledge as a single entity and emphasis is laid on not reading all subjects separately but relating to one another. This type of curriculum does not teach subjects having the same similarity in two different subjects and has to be read simultaneously to teach the two subjects, so that its knowledge lasts long and time.


 9. Core curriculum :

 In this type of curriculum some subjects are compulsory and some subject optional. This type of curriculum is owe by America. In this type of curriculum some subjects are compulsory for every child to study and some are optional out of which children choose the subject of their choice.

 The main objective of building such a curriculum is to develop both man and society.


 10. Integrated curriculum :

 Integrated curriculum forms a curriculum that has a unifying subjects read together.

 So, for example:

 Social studies include history, geography, sociology, political science, civil science etc.

 Under science, physical science, chemical science, mathematics and biology etc.




In course of time, education also underwent many changes. A change in the field of education has brought many changes in our curriculum. Many organisations were formed and they formed curriculum according to their own thinking and society. The building of most curriculum was based on the needs of our society and society. Besides, the curriculum was built on economic, scientific and political grounds. Many curriculum are currently used simultaneously. Keeping in view the great need for employment in the present times, many professional curriculum have been formed which enable the child to seek early employment after education.
