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Aims and Objectives of Social Science Teaching b.ed notes


Aims and Objectives of Social Science Teaching


No work can be completed in the absence of a goal. It is necessary to determine the goal and objective for the smooth completion of the work. The aims and objectives of each subject are based on the general aims and objectives of the course. The goals of the subjects play an important role in achieving the common goal and objective. Social studies teaching helps in making students socially and culturally efficient citizens.


1) Citizenship

The aim of social studies is to create good citizens. 

Awareness of the impact of science on the knowledge civilization of the problems of its time. 

Readiness for economic life, decision-making ability, sensitivity to human need-aspiration-feelings, democratic way of life, loyalty to freedom and equality, receptivity to new facts-ideas, etc. are important for good citizens.

The teaching of social studies helps in achieving the above qualities. 

Good citizenship is possible through social studies teaching. 


2) Social Character Development

Social studies is an important part of social education. With its help development of social character is possible in the students. 

The knowledge of social life and customs of the community is obtained with the help of social science. 

The purpose of social science education is to develop social character by developing qualities such as building social education, developing a sense of responsibility, understanding human relations etc.


3) Knowledge of social heritage and problems

To impart knowledge of social heritage and problems is the aim of social science teaching. 

The purpose of social science teaching is not only to make teachers aware of social problems but also to develop readiness and skill to solve problems. 

The rise of social consciousness within the student is the beginning of education. 

Social science teaching advances the education process by providing knowledge of social heritage and problems. 


4) Clarifying the Present

According to James Hemming, "The main purpose of social studies is to provide a better understanding of current problems." 

Knowledge of the modern world and civilization is imparted by social science teaching.

The purpose of social studies is to make the students aware of the current situation." 


5) Development of various attitudes and skills

The aim of social science education is to develop various attitudes and skills to lead a successful social life.

According to J.F. Forrester, "The purpose of social studies is to form norms, attitudes, interests and skills rather than to collect factual information." 


6) Development of feelings of belonging 

The purpose of social science is to develop feelings of belongingness in students by introducing them to human relations. Explains the meaning of situations with factual knowledge of human relations. 

7) Development of a sense of interdependence


Knowledge of physical and social environment and interdependence is the aim of social science teaching. Today no individual or nation is self-sufficient. All depend on each other. Without this dependence one cannot do his work.

8) Development of international goodwill

To develop human relations and sense of belongingness is the aim of social science teaching.

The purpose of social education is to develop international understanding to build peace in the tense environment of the world. 

According to Adams Wesley, “The teaching of social studies develops in the students those powers which help in establishing world peace.


9) Knowledge of the Environment 

Environment has an effect on the development of a person. Food habits, lifestyle, dress, business etc. have a significant impact. 

Environment is the great teacher of the individual. 

Teaching social science provides physical and social knowledge to the individual. 

Social science teaching provides the students with the knowledge of the environment around him.
