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Bad effects of Globalization | Disadvantages of Globalisation


Bad effects of Globalization 


Disadvantages of Globalisation 


Globalization was planned only from the point of view of profit but it also has some side effects which are as follows.

1. Impact on Indian Women :

The social system of India has always been patriarchal and it is a result of this that the composition of the population is 993 females per 1,000 males.


This difference in sex ratio is indicative of the low status of women. 

Globalization has resulted in lower wages for female workers than male workers in many industries. 

This discrimination is also visible in domestic industries. Along with this, the practice of greedy attitude has also become common in the era of legalization. 

Where dowry was prevalent only in the so-called upper castes, today it is being seen in the lower castes as well.

2. Effect on Dalits, Scheduled and Backward Castes :


Stratification has always been prevalent in the Indian caste system and a neglected attitude has been kept towards the Dalit castes located in it. 

The benefits of structural adjustment programs go to the rich sections of the society and the poor sections remain deprived of its benefits. 

Dalits and marginalized people are mostly in this poor class. More than 75 percent of Dalits are engaged in agricultural activities and in urban areas most of them earn a living by working in the unorganized sector. 

Land reforms have been adopted under the new economic policy, which will harm Dalits, as they will be left out of the future action plan of the states.

3. Effect on Tribals :


Due to reduction in welfare expenditure of tribals, increasing importance of privatization in public sectors, lack of investment in agricultural sectors, disorganization in public distribution system etc., a sense of dissatisfaction is being born among tribals. 

In the name of development, they are being displaced from their own place of residence and natural resources are being exploited vigorously. 

Along with exploitation, the tribals are being denied access to these resources. These changes arising out of the process of globalization have disturbed the lives of the tribals.

4. Impact on Minorities :


Since the decade of 90s i.e. the decade in which globalization emerged in India, many violent incidents happened with minorities. 

These incidents have worked to disintegrate the Indian society and many terrorist activities have come into existence as a result of these incidents. 

Globalization has broken the boundaries of caste and religion, but at the same time it is also fatal for the weaker section of the society. It represents a small group and ignores a large group.

5. Effect on retail market :


Due to globalization, big traders and companies have got a lot of benefits and necessary conditions have also been available for them in all areas, on the contrary, now big traders will be available in the market, so it is natural that retail traders or Small traders will be at loss. 

Competing with MNCs and big business is beyond their capability, as they are very backward in capital production means, machines etc.
