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Meaning of Vedic Education b.ed notes | Features of Vedic Period


Education in Vedic Age | Meaning of Vedic Education


From the point of view of the study of the education of ancient India, Dr. Altekar has divided the period from the arrival of the Aryans to the establishment of the Muslim state into four parts-

1) Pre-Vedic period from 1000 AD onwards.

2) 200 before 1000 BC. Pre Upanishad period

3) 200 BC to 500 AD Theology Period.

4) 500 AD to 1200 AD. Puranic period 

The history of India is very glorious. The ancient Indian education system was based on spirituality. 

His aim was to achieve an ideal life. In the then education, knowledge of Vedas, Upanishads, Dharma etc. was given.


Vedic period education is considered to be the first education system of India. This education was based on humanity, truth, non-violence, love, sacrifice, dedication, whose main objective was the all-round development of the children. 

The main purpose of this period is considered to be to search for the truth and to have infinite faith in the Supreme God while making constant efforts to achieve the goal.

Meaning of Vedic Education


In the Vedic period, the concept of knowledge was linked to spirituality. The purpose of life was to merge the soul with the divine. God could be reached by gaining knowledge. Acquiring knowledge was considered a spiritual practice in the Vedic period. Due to the cultivation of knowledge, sages and sages had an important place in the society.

Features of the Vedic Period


1) Longest period

2) Center of education - Gurukul and Ashram

3) Be from traditional education family

4) Guru's place is best

(5) The effect of those who provide education in Gurukul and Ashram

6) Preparation for future life 

7) Largest period:- Vedic age is the largest period. The effect of this era has been seen for 3000 years.

8) Education Center Gurukul and Ashram:


The main center of education in the Vedic period was Gurukul and Ashram because the institution providing education did not exist in the Vedic period. 

9) From traditional education family 

In the Vedic period, the place of getting traditional education was considered to be the family, because they had to do traditional work while living in the purview of the varna system.

10) Guru's place is best -

Guru has the best place in Vedic era education. The sages of Gurukul used to guide the kings along with teaching.


(11) Effect of those who impart education in Gurukul and Ashram:

The head of Gurukul and Ashram had an important place in the society. Because of his sacrificial life, knowledge and character qualities, he was respected by all.

12) Equal treatment of all students:

In the Vedic period, education was imparted mainly in the ashrams of the gurus. All the students studying here were treated fairly. All the students were given equal guidance without any discrimination.

13) Preparation for future life:


In the Gurukul and Ashram system, the student was provided with a worthy education to be successful in life and to earn his livelihood. Through education they were prepared for the future life.

Rites of Vedic education


In the Vedic period, formal education started after the Upanayana ceremony. Even before that Vidyarambh Sanskar was important. 

The education of the child started with this ritual. This ritual used to happen at the age of 5 years. 

Education means government, man's well-mannered culture, the development of man was expected only after getting formal education.

Vedic History: - Vedic Indian History 5000 BC. Since 2000, in the Vedic education system, the four Vedas Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda were taught. 

In this, the worship of the gods, Yagya Karma and creation of the world etc. were included. The notable thing is that script writing did not start in the Vedic period. 

People of one generation used to give oral knowledge of Banda to the people of other generation. 

This Vedic education was preserved from generation to generation through Kathstha Vidya.


The Varna system existed in the Vedic period. There were four varnas called Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shud. 

The ashram system also existed in the Vedic period. Brahmachary ashram, Grihasthashram, Sanyasashram and Vanaprasth ashram, in these four ashrams, each person had a son in his previous life and had to behave according to the rules of his ashram.

Along with following the Ashrama dharma, the concept of being indebted to each person's debt, according to which each person had to clear four debts:

(1) Debt 

2) Maternal loan 

3) Guru 

4) Society 


The following routes have been made for getting rid of these loans: 

1) Vrat, Devrun rule

2) Guru:- Exchange of knowledge, Respect, Humility

3) Mother-Father Debt, Child Procreation, Shraddha Paksha

(4) Social Debt Human Welfare Charity Service

In order to pay off the debt by living in the ashram system, the following tasks have been said to be necessary.


1) Bramhacharya Ashram: In this stage it was inevitable to stay in Gurukul and get education. Serving the Guru, studying and meditating, meditating, collecting fruits and roots were considered as religion and duty.

2) Grihasthashram: In this ashram, it has been said to get rid of debt from God's debt, Guru's mother-father's debt and society's debt.

3) Vanprasthashram : In this ashram it is expected to spend life in seclusion.

(4) The state of sannyasashram is said to be of physical retirement from the world. In this, taking physical retirement, meditation, meditation, meditation, preparation of guiding prayer for the future generation, etc. are the main tasks.

There are four types of effort – Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha.


1) Dharma:- The word Dharma has been used for duty in the Vedic period. Such was the imagination.

2) Kama: - After religion, Kama was considered an important effort which tries to solve physical, mental, spiritual needs by desiring to fulfill them.

3) Moksha - Moksha means to be free from intense lust. Mosha is the supreme aim of life in the Vedic period.
