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Different Aspects of Human Growth and Development | Bednotesatoz


Different Aspects of Human Growth and Development

Nature of Growth

(1) Growth is a gradual process.

(2) No change can be made in the rate and quantity of growth.

(3) The growth of the body is due to the growth of cells.

(4) Physical growth does not always happen and happens at the same speed.

(5) Mental growth is also complete at the age of 18 years

(6) Physical growth is almost complete at the age of 20 years.

(7) Along with age, the process of development also goes on.

(8) Growth is rapid in infancy, slows down later and becomes rapid again at the age of 11 years.

(9) As a result of age increase, there are changes in the size of the body, proportion of body components, elimination of old symptoms and emergence of new symptoms etc.

Nature of Development


(1) Development takes place in the order determined by nature.

(2) Development is a continuous process. This process of development continues from conception till death. Every living being has to go through this process.

(3) The rate of development is different for different parts of the body.

(4) Development is from general to specific. In the beginning, the activities of the newborn are done by the operation of the whole body. After some time, specific activities of his hands-feet, head, eyes etc. start happening.

5) Development follows a certain pattern. It is in accordance with a system.

(6) There are individual differences in the rate and nature of development. It is not necessary that two children born on the same day develop at the same pace and in the same way.

(7) Each stage of development has its own specialty. Infancy, childhood, adolescence and maturity have different characteristics and symptoms.

Different Aspects of Human Development

The field of human development is very wide.

It includes development in all aspects of physical, mental, linguistic, emotional, social, character, cultural, economic, spiritual etc. But in education psychology, the development of physical, mental, linguistic, emotional, social and character aspects of human beings, especially the child, is studied. A brief description of these aspects is given below


Physical Development

The physical development of a person is related to the structure of the body, the nervous system, the internal systems of the body, such as the blood circulation system, the muscles in the digestive system, etc. And due to increase in Endocrine Glands, there are emotional stability, gaming capacity and other changes in the child. And these changes affect the behavior of the child.

Mental Development

The mental development of the child refers to the development of his mental activities and abilities. Under these, the development of mental activities and abilities like Intelligence, Sensation, Perception, Observation, Interest, Attention, magination, Thinking, Reasoning, Judgment, Memory, Forgetting etc. comes and human behavior is affected by the development of these activities and abilities.

Linguistic Development

The linguistic development of the child means the development of the phonetic means that he has, which is called language, to express his feelings and thoughts. The speech power of a child is innate, but the development of language takes place through interaction with his environment. Language development is concerned with the development of linguistic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.


Emotional Development

The development of the child's emotions is called emotional development. Some or the other emotion is hidden in the child in the form of basic instincts, such as fear behind escape.

When these emotions become the permanent basis of the child's behaviour, they are called permanent sentiments. As the child develops physically and mentally, his emotions also develop.

Social Development

Social development refers to the learning and adjustment of a person's society and its style. In learning the language, lifestyle, customs, traditions etc. of the society in which the child lives, he has to make adjustments on his own.

The child who can make good adjustments in their writing and practice is called socially more developed. In short, adjustment to social conditions is called social development.

Character Development

Character development means behaving according to social and religious instructions. For this the child has to control himself. The more beautifully a person can control this, the more characterfully developed he is. Social development involves learning and using the customs, way of life, language, traditions etc. of the society. Character has to behave according to social and religious rules.


Implication of the Principles of Growth and Development in Education

Knowledge of the principles of growth and development can be beneficial for the teacher and the parent as follows:-

1. Development is a continuous process, so teachers and parents should keep trying patiently for the overall development of the child.

2. With the knowledge of individual differences, teachers and parents should try for the development of each child within his own potential, ability and limitations at every stage of development.

3. Through the theory of sequence of development, we can know what should be the development of such a child up to a certain stage and according to this, we can organize environmental experiences for the child and try to achieve perfection till that stage.

4. The principles of general to specific and coordination can be used to plan and organize learning processes and learning experiences so that the child gets maximum benefit in terms of development.


5. With the knowledge of the principle of interrelationship, the teacher and guardian can understand that more attention should not be paid to the development of any one side of the child's personality, but attention should be paid to the overall development, otherwise due to the development of only one side Other aspects of development will be affected.

6. With the knowledge of the principle of circular development, teachers and parents can provide adequate environment for adjustment of the child to any level of development.

7. Based on the principle of fixed direction, teachers and parents can conduct appropriate learning experiences and environmental conditions for children and increase development in that direction.

8. From the principle of interaction of heredity and environment, we can get information about the limits of the child and proper and adequate environmental conditions can be created for maximum development in those limits.
