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Delors Commission Report b.ed notes | Four Pillars of Delors commission

Delors Commission Report b.ed notes

THE DELOR'S COMMISSION REPORT (1996) Learning - 'The treasure within'

Learning the treasure within, a report presented to UNESCO, Paris by an International Commission on education for the twenty first century under the chairmanship of Jacques Delors of France.

The members of this commission made up of fourteen members from different countries like China, France, Japan, Poland, etc. including Dr. Karan Singh from Asian Nation (India).

The report of this commission was issued in 1996 by the name of "Learning: The Treasure Within ".

  • According to this report, learning comprises, the heartbeat of society" while ' learning to know, ' learning to do, ' learning to live together' and learning to be form four pillars of education; interchangeable understanding, peaceful interchange and coordination can be taken as the social aims of education.

  • Commission emphasizes the need of educating young children and youth which is an conveyance of affection.

  • Education is a progressive process of enhancing knowledge and skills and it is exceptional mean of bringing about personal development and building relationships among individuals ,groups and nations.

  • The members of the commission believed that only through education we can hope for a world that is a better place to live in; there will be mutual respect to the rights of men and women ;there will be interchangeable understanding and the knowledge will be used to promote human development.

Recommendations of the Delors Commission Report


  • Education is stated to be "the principal means accessible to promote a deeper and more harmonious form of human development and therefore to reduce poverty, banning, ignorance, oppression and war.

  • Delors considers "education as a continuing process of improving knowledge and skills, it is also may be basically an unusual means of bringing about personal development and building relationships among persons, groups and nations."

  • The commission defines education, "a social experience through which children learn about themselves, develop social skills and obtain basic knowledge and skills".

  • Delors repeats the concept of expanding international cooperation in the global village.

  • Education for aware and active citizenship must begin at school.
  • Democratic participation should be promoted through instructions and  practices modified to a media and information society.

  • It's the role of education to give children and adults with the cultural background that will allowed them to understand the changes taking place.

  • Commission emphasis the need of improvement, general availability and nourishing of Basic Education-A requirement which is valid for all countries.

  • The stress should be placed for primary education and its traditional basic programmes -reading, writing , arithmetic-but also on the ability to express oneself in a language that provided itself to dialogue and understanding.



The commission appreciated the existence of several types of institutions of higher learning, both private and public, and also vocational and non vocational.

The suggestions are setup for the universities to diversify what they offer, like

  • As scientific formation and centers of learning from where students go on to theoretical or applied researcher teaching.

  • As formations present occupational qualifications and highly specified training courses modified to the need of economic and social life.

  • As meeting places for learning all over life;

  • As major partners in international cooperation;

  • For the developing countries they must give the vocational and technological training of future leaders; the higher and middle level education is additionally needed to save them from grinding poverty and under development.

The strategies suggested are :

(i) Looking for co-operation of the local community including parents, schools, teachers and others,

(ii) public authorities, and

(iii) the international communities.


  • The theory of life long education is different from the traditional difference between initial and continuing education.

  • The theory of Learning Society, in which every one manages an opportunity of learning and fulfilling one's potential. It force the need of literacy work and basic education for adults.

  • Teachers should be provided with the psychological and material situation by the society and their position should be appreciated with acceptable resources and necessary authority.

  • Teachers should be also discuss the need for critical requirement to update the knowledge and skills; should assist the professional opportunities; should benefit from the economic ,social and cultural life experiences.

  • Commission emphasize the importance of exchanges of teachers and partnerships between institutions in countries.

  • The administrative decentralization and self government of educational formation are needed for the developments.

  • It also suggests for the reorganization of funding structures in the aspect of the principle that the learning should continue throughout individual's lives.

  • The diversification and the improvement of distance education through use of technologies; greater use of technologies in adult education and in-service training of teachers: distribution of such technologies throughout the society are also the commission suggestion.

  • The need for international co-operation should be felt in the area of education.

  • A scheme for strong uplifting for the education of girls and women should be encourage at the level of international co-operation.

Four Pillars of Education 


Four Pillars of Delors Commission

In the prospect of the commission, there will be four bases of education in the 21st century:


1. Learning to know

2. Learning to do

3. Learning to be

4. Learning to live together.

Learning to know

In the view of Delor's commission, to understand the fast changes happening due to scientific progress and social processes, and cultivate skill to work suitably, the following will be required in the 21st century :

1. Basic education should be spread out. 

2. Particular education should follow basic education.

Commission recommends that learning to know can be gained by combining a enough broad general knowledge with the opportunity to work in bottom on a small number of subjects.

In the opinion of the commission, the children should be trained in learning methods, specially in focusing concentration, memorizing and thinking, and this task should be started right from infancy. In the opinion of the commission, these are the techniques of learning which can help learn lifelong.

Learning to know helps persons to:

  • Increase values and skills for respecting and searching for knowledge and wisdom.

  • To learn and skill to discover.

  • Obtain a taste for learning throughout life. Improve critical thinking.

  • Obtain tools for understanding the world.
  • Make a curious mind/learner. Understand sustainability ideas and issues.

Learning to Do


To obtain not only occupational skills but also the proficiency to deal with many situations and to work in teams.

Learning to Do illustrates putting knowledge and learning into practice innovatively through

1. Skills development

2. Practical know-how

3. Development of:

  • Life skills & competence
  • Personal qualities
  • Aptitudes and Attitudes

The condition for work experience and social service will have to be imperatively made along with formal education.

Peoples should be given opportunities to learn long lasting. For life long learning, the societies have to be changed into "learning societies.

By "learning societies' the commission indicates such societies in which are given different opportunities for acquiring knowledge and skill in social, cultural and economic area, also with providing of formal education.

Taking part in real-time activities in these fields will help to improve common sense, decision-making power and leadership skill. And the most important thing is that they will introduce far-sight and insight.

Learning to Be

Learning to be, the over all development of the whole person to fulfill his/ her highest capacity and be able to think ,decide and act independently - the source of creativity ,Innovation and entrepreneurship.

The motive of development is the complete fulfillment of man in all the richness of his personality, the difficulty of his forms of expression and his various dedications - as individual, member of a family and community ,citizen and producer, inventor of techniques and creative dreamer.

The aptitude and undiscovered talents of children and peoples can be brought out.

Children's personality, nature and character can be fully developed.


Physical abilities and mental abilities (memory, reasoning, andi imagination) can be improved in children.

Social skills and aesthetic sense and communication skills of children can be cultured together with leadership ability. In the view of the commission, only such people will be able to protect themselves in the 21st century.

Learning to Live Together

In the commission's opinion, the first thing for this is to educate the ability to understand one another. Unless all the people are able to understand others, they will not like to live together. Our modern needs have so broadened today that we are no more self-dependent even in our family, social and national affairs, and leave alone international level.

Education should educate children to understand others.

Children should be educated to co-operate with one another for the achievement of goals right from the beginning.

The commission has described that when people come nearer, some conflicts can arise among them. Therefore, education will have to educate them in subsidizing conflicts, and they will have to be educated in eradicating conflicts on the bases of human values.

Sadler Commission
