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Role of teacher in guidance programme b.ed notes


  • A teacher keeps in continuous touch with students, so they know him personally.
  • This helps a teacher to contact the parents to know about the family environment, activities and behaviours of the students.
  • A teacher can arrive at correct inference about the talents, abilities, interests, aptitudes and difficulties of a child.
  • A teacher functions like a focal point in the guidance programme of a school.
  • A teacher taking interest in guidance can bring improvement in a student's abnormal behaviour by sympathy, affection, belongingness and cordial relations.
  • How succesful a teacher can be, depends upon his ability and experience.

The following are the duties of a teacher in this context:


1. To establish personal contact with students.

2. To provide proper circumstances for student development.

3. To send those students to the counsellor who face different problems in learning

4. To make use of library by students.

5. To interview students from time to time and find out their interests.

6. To find out problematic students.

7. To contact parents and guardians and other social institutions.

8. To arrange for co-curricular activities.



In order to make a guidance programme successful in a school, more teachers that one are assigned the duty of counselling. This programme cannot succeed without active cooperation of teachers. The schools where only a counsellor is not posted, this responsibility has to be carried out by teachers. Much time of teachers is used up in organizing examinations, compilation of results, making cumulative records, etc

A teacher has the following duties in the organisation of counselling programme of the school:

1. To make other teachers understand the value of guidance and motivate them for it

2. To make the principal understand the value of guidance in order to beget necessary facilities.


3. To constitute a guidance committee and make the principal its chairman and to include other teachers having interest in guidance as members

4. To provide for a separate room for guidance work.

5. To provide for necessary material, such as table, chair, stands, magazines, guidance charts, etc

6. To conduct guidance talks and lectures and invite a specialist for this purpose.

7. To receive teachers' cooperation in gathering data from different sources for individual study of students.

8. To gather professional data from different sources and distribute them among students.

9. To organise general guidance services in the school and make efforts for its smooth running.


10. To arrange for preparing cumulative records of students

11. To send maladjusted and problem children to the psychologist and guide for diagnosis

12. To find out dull, backward, talented and other abnormal children to arrange for their proper development.

13. To contact with the guidance bureau functioning at district, State or national level in order to make school guidance programme more effective,
