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Factors Affecting Growth b.ed notes | Factors Affecting Growth and Development


Factors Affecting Growth and Development


Factors Affecting Growth


1 ) Genetic/Inherited Factor

Some of the factors affecting development are genetically determined and children inherit them from their parents.

The baby looks much like his/her parents.

The Children of heighted and strong parents are similar to them. The features of the eyes, skin, and hair color are those that come from parents to children.

What genetic factors (chromosomes, DNA, RNA) the child will obtain from parents are decided to get it right at the time of pregnancy.

During an inheritance process, an individual gets a number of mental abilities and traits which cannot be changed by the environment.

In fact, no individual can grow as much as his inheritance allows him to do, but it is also necessary to support the environment for the development of certain hereditary characteristics.


Environmental factor


1) Surroundings Conditions Prior to Birth :

The child 's development at the time of pregnancy is influenced by the physical condition of the mother, mother' s diet and pregnancy. The unborn baby is nourished by the blood of the mother.

Mother should receive essential nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, etc. for the development of the baby in the womb. The Foetus of the malnourished mother develops slowly and this condition has a profound impact on the development of the child in the future. Mother's own health affects the unborn baby the most.

2) Nutrition :


Nutrition plays an important role in the growth and development of the child. Chemical substances obtained from food and beverage provide the required nutrients for building and repairing cells and for utilizing bodily functions.

3) Physiological disorders and diseases :

The physical development of children with genetic or environmental factors (such as accident) is not normal but complete challenge. For example, adjustment in the family, community, and school is complex for visually impaired students.

4) Intelligence :


Intelligence has a special role to play in child development. Higher - grade intelligentsias grow faster, whereas slower or less intelligences develop more slowly. It was found that baby with good intelligence starts walking in thirteen months, while children with poor intelligence walk in twenty - two months and at least thirty months.

5) Endocrine glands :

A number of endocrine glands working inside the body of the individual. These glands have a profound influence on the development of the individual. Children who have less secretion by thyroxin slow down their mental growth speed.

6) The Physical Environment :


Pure water, pure air, and sunlight have a profound impact on the development of the individual, because these are not only need for the development of the individual but are essential.

7) Motivation :

Motivation is vital for physical and intellectual development. Where physical development, drinking good food and water, healthy living, etc. gains momentum, there itself intellectual development is motivated by educational means, awards, promotion, etc.

8) Social and Economic status of the family :


The socio - economic status of the family has a profound influence in the development of the individual 's physical and mental make - up. Grown - up children in rich socio - economic conditions are better developed than those of lower socio - economic status. The well - to - do socio - economic situation provides all facilities, favourable conditions and adequate opportunities for the child to develop often at a faster pace and more positive level.

9) The family environment :

The family environment has a direct impact on the child 's development. In a calm and pleasant atmosphere, the child develops at a fast pace, while in a sad, playful atmosphere the growth of the child slows down.
