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Role of culture in education of Gender Equality b.ed notes


Role of culture in education of Gender Equality 


Culture as well as the prevalent culture refers to culture, but one gives an understanding of both ancient and modern cultures and of the prevailing form of culture. In other words, one presents the theoretical character of one culture, and the other uses its pragmatism so as to assimilate the elements of other cultures in the current culture, and is so used in practice as to make it difficult to understand what was the original culture and what was externally taken. An assessment of the role of culture in challenging gender, i. e. Women 's education, has been made as under -

1. Healthy cultural values - 


Culture for the education of challenging gender develop healthy cultural values among the people. Globalization is the result of interconversion of other cultures, which has brought in culture some unwanted element or soul - destroying elements of Indian culture. The cardinal elements of Indian culture are love, cooperation, kindness, benevolence, compassion, guest - giving spirit, unity in diversity, protection of refuge, respect for women, high thinking, high thinking, power on religion and culture of action. Due to the decline in these cultural values, women are now being regarded as a material of indulgence which has made their position miserable in every region. Hence, we must develop healthy cultural values to take effect in the education of challenging gender.

2. Generality and liberality: 


Breadth and generosity in culture must be there. Cultures are intercommunication due to the introduction of cultures leading to cultural interactions. The interaction has both positive and negative results. Dynamic cultures are generous to other cultures and imbibe their virtues. With broadness and generosity, culture and the prevailing culture play an important role in the education of challenging gender.

3. Mobility:


The quality of mobility must be in its culture and in the prevalent culture, because, if it is inert and non - mobile, the evil and vices it may never be corrected. It is also this quality of dynamic culture that will not hesitate to adopt new values and ideals for the education and equality of challenging gender.

4. Tolerance: 


The modern age may be globalization due to information and technology, but we are still intolerant on the cultural front. It is a very good thing to guard the pride of our culture, but where it is wise to adopt even the defects of one 's culture, and the prevalent cultures must be tolerant so that positive work can be done towards education for the equality of challenging gender.

5. In character - building and ethics -


Culture, character - building and moral values are given less importance than the meaning of the present, which has resulted in a culture of meaning in the prevailing culture. Character and morality are given a high place at the core of cultural values. The culture, therefore, through these virtues serves to promote morality and character in the society, paving the way for the education of challenging gender equality.

6. The development of natural powers: 


Culture and the prevailing culture from time to time organize various cultural activities by which the natural forces of the individual develop. This work provides culture opportunities for women and men to become familiar with each other 's capabilities and qualifications, thereby enhancing the education of equality of challenging gender.

7. Social control :


Culture is a work of social control. If culture is progressive, both men and women will have the same system of control and freedom. In such situations, equality and education of challenging gender can be ensured. There are some cultures where girls are not considered illiterate, dowry etc., which is why education is being developed for equality.

8. Preparation of adult life:


The child is innocent. He imitates his elders in the same manner as he observes and there is a clear cultural impact on the behaviour and everyday activities of the elders. As a result of culture, where children and girls are prepared for adult life, the disparity is low and education extends. On the contrary, where gender differences are practised in the preparation of adult life, the followers of cultures are left behind, and the effectiveness of education for equality of challenging gender decreases.

 9. A sense of equality and collectivisation :


As it has been said earlier, that different cultures are organised from time to time to share ideas with each other. Cultural activity develops through them a sense of equality and collectivisation which brings awareness of the cessation of gender differences and leads to advancement in education for equality.

10. Social reforms are encouraged - 


Some evils, blind beliefs and practices in popular cultures become like water and milk, which should be eradicated judiciously. Social reform movements were initiated in order to protect the core cultural values from time to time. If culture encourages social reform, it will not only achieve its basic character and identity, but will also provide challenging gender equality and educational certainty.

11. An extension of cultural perception - 


There is some goodness and evil in every culture. Some cultures struggled with their own evils to achieve their ideals and origins. It is necessary to develop a mutual understanding of cultures so that they can develop cultural exchanges as well as cultural discrimination and opinion on the evils in culture. Cultural perception will lead to consensus on the spread of women 's education and speed in this direction.

12. Development of leadership capabilities: 


Culture provides opportunities from time to time to publish the capabilities of its members. If you develop leadership skills, culture, without being objective and disinclined, the forces of leadership within women will be revealed to the people, intensifying their strong vision of imparting education for their equal treatment and proper use of their talents.

13. Sense of duty :


Culture and current cultures make sense of duty to its citizens. With a sense of duty, the citizens develop a sense of respect for their duties and for their students. The dutiful person also considers it his duty to observe education and equality, thereby disseminating education for the equality of challenging gender.

14. Interdependent - 


Cultures must establish interdependent relationships. No culture and individual can grow at present without interdependence. The relations between the individuals of culture and those of the cultures must be sweet. This sense of interdependence will lead to a decline in gender differentiations which will enhance the learning of challenging equality.

15. Sense of national integration :


Culture should never be an obstacle to national unity, but must contribute to the growth of the elements of culture to national unity. Sometimes a condition of freedom from the cultural elements and national unity and unity is created. Culture must, therefore, reject these elements. As long as gender differences are present, the task of national unity, integrity and consolidation will not be complete, so culture should work to promote national unity on the system of education for challenging gender equality.

16. Introduction to the fundamentals of culture: 


In its own stream of life, culture sometimes becomes highly artificial and unnatural except in elements. Thus, persons should be introduced to the fundamentals of culture, for all culture stands for equality which will set the pace in education for equality of challenging gender.
