Key features of Infancy Stage
1) Speed in physical development
In the first three years of infancy, the physical development of the child takes place at a very rapid pace. Its weight and length increase. Growth slows down after three years.
2) Intensity of mental activity
By the age of three the mental powers of the child begin to function. There is an acceleration in the development of the child's mental functions such as attention, memory, imagination, sensation and perception etc.
3) Intensity in the learning process
According to Gesell, children learn twice as much in the first 6 years as in the subsequent 12 years. In this stage the learning process of the child is very rapid.
4) Liveliness of imagination
According to Kuppuswamy, one of the most important things about a four-year-old child is that his imagination is alive. He is unable to differentiate between truth and falsehood.
Important features of Infancy
5) Dependence on others -
In infancy, after birth, the child remains helpless for some time. He mainly depends on his parents especially on his mother. He depends on others for love and sympathy apart from physical needs.
6) Feeling of self love -
The feeling of self-love is very strong in the child. The child wants to get the love of his parents, siblings etc. He feels that no one else gets love other than him, in such a situation he starts getting jealous of the other child.
7) Lack of ethics -
There is a complete lack of morality in the infant. He has no understanding of good, bad, proper and improper hair.
8) Behavior based on basic instincts -
The child behaves on the basis of his instincts. If he gets angry on something, he expresses it through his speech. When he is hungry, he puts whatever he finds in his mouth.
9) Development of social feeling -
In the last year of this stage, the child develops a social sense, he likes to play with children from 2 to 5 years. He makes others partners in his goods. The infant shows interest or dislike towards other children. According to Skinner, at the age of one year, he can stand out among his peers.
10) Children starts taking interest or disinterest with each other.
11) Display of emotions -
At birth, the infant has no apparent emotion other than excitement. Child scientists have mainly considered four emotions in the child, fear, anger, love and pain.
12) Work attitude
Child psychologists say that the sex drive is very strong in the child. But like adults he is not able to express it. Breastfeeding of the mother and putting hands on the genitals are indicative of the child's sex drive.
13) Tendency to repeat
The tendency to repeat is very strong in the child, there is more tendency to repeat words and streets, they get pleasure in it.
14) Tendency of curiosity
The tendency of curiosity is highest in the child. He wants to know everything. He asks questions like why and how to satisfy his curiosity. Uses his toys in a variety of ways.
15) Tendency to learn by imitation
The child has a tendency to learn by imitation. He imitates the actions and behavior of his parents, siblings etc. If he is unable to do so, he expresses his inability by crying or shouting.
16) Tendency to play alone and together
The infant has a tendency to play alone first and then to play with others.
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