Principles of Guidance b.ed notes
Principles of Guidance
In order to run the guidance program successfully, along with the meaning of guidance, it is also necessary to understand the principles on which the process of guidance is based.
After knowing the principles of guidance, this program can be implemented more easily. Not all psychologists and educationists are of the same opinion on the principles of guidance.
For example- Jones has described five principles of directing, Humphreys and Trexler seven principles, Crow and Crow have described fourteen principles. Among the principles accepted by all these scholars, there are some principles which are followed by almost all.
Some of the major principles of guidance are as follows-
1. Accepting the prestige of a person:-
Society is built by individuals only. It is necessary to make the society strong and prosperous.
That the dignity of every member of the society will be accepted.
Giving equal importance to the existence of each person, the goal of guidance is that each person has to be taken towards maximum development according to his powers and abilities.
Therefore, we accept the dignity of the individual by emphasizing on providing opportunities for expression according to the abilities and capabilities of the individual in various fields like education, business, family etc.
2. Giving importance to individual differences :-
Every person has a unique personality. From this point of view, it becomes necessary that before starting the guidance work for the solution of the problems, the differences of the individuals should be studied in detail and on the basis of the results of those studies, an outline of guidance for the development and problem solving of the individual should be prepared.
3. Importance to the whole personality:
In the process of guidance, importance should be given to the whole personality of the person because if the director studies only one or a few aspects of the person, then he will not be able to give the right direction.
4. Priority for all-round development:-
For the development of personality, it is necessary that each and every aspect of his personality should be developed. A person should work very carefully for the all-round development of personality.
5. Guidance should be done by trained persons :-
The work of guidance is a very important task, the responsibility of completing the guidance process should be given to a trained person, so that that person can implement this program smoothly by establishing contact with the persons and departments related to guidance.
6. Flexible program of guidance:-
There are differences in the needs of the individual and the society. Therefore, keeping these requirements in mind, the program of guidance should not be too rigid but flexible so that necessary changes can be made in it if required.
7. The area of guidance should be wide :-
The benefit of guidance should not be available only to those persons who clearly and directly ask for guidance or demonstrate its need.
Rather, the benefit of guidance should also be for those persons who can directly or indirectly take advantage of guidance. Therefore, the area of its benefit should be wide.
8. Responsibility of skilled persons:-
Efforts are made to solve the specific problems of the individuals in the guidance program. The responsibility of doing this should be on only those persons who are more skilled in doing this work.
9. Guidance for all:-
The most important principle of guidance program is that guidance should not be for any one or specific type of person but for all types of people because every person needs guidance at every stage of life. .
10. Guidance is a life long process :-
Guidance process is a life long process because at every step of life one has to face different problems. Without solving these problems, one cannot move forward.
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