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What is Reading skills ? Importance of Reading | Objectives of Reading | Types of Reading


Meaning of Reading skills


Reading is an important language skill. Literacy is a component. We perceive written or printed text through our eyes. We recognize the letters in this text. With the help of sound knowledge we pronounce letters. 

But just seeing the letters with the eyes and pronouncing them is not reading, but understanding the meaning in reading is very important.

Although 'Reading' seems to be a single process, three activities take place in it. Visualization of the meaning of the words through the eyes, perception of the meaning of the words, the pronunciation of the words.


The Importance of Reading 


Reading is an important tool for the all round development of human personality. The knowledge necessary for human life is obtained from reading. 

Reading books inspires human awakening and development, imparts culture, develops feelings and gains knowledge. There is immense joy. Such great power is the recitation of the book. 

That's why texts are given the likeness of a phoenix bird after being born again. The information about the changes in the world, modern knowledge, technology etc. is obtained from the reading of current papers, weekly and monthly. 

Human life is incomplete without reading. In the life of a human being, the element of 'talkative and talkative' is important.


The reading room is an important place in the educational process itself. Reading is the main means of teaching. 

Reading has a great role in the development of the student's ability to acquire knowledge, in the development of his ability to assess, and in the development of intellectual and emotional development. 

The development of the student's reading skills depends on the development of his writing skills.


School/Educational Objectives of Reading


1. To be able to recite clearly by pronouncing the words clearly.

2. Ability to read aloud with meaning.

3. Able to read with proper intonation, intonation. to understand

4. Content of the article, through emotional reading

5. Developing vocabulary through reading.

6. To develop interest in reading good books.

7. Cultivating the habit of extra reading.

8. To develop the ability to enjoy different types of literature.


Objectives of Reading 


General/Practical Objectives of Reading:

1) Knowledge acquisition:

One of the purposes behind reading texts, books, newspapers, magazines, etc. is to gain in-depth knowledge of the past and present. Man fulfills his desire and need to acquire knowledge in various subjects through reading.

2) Pleasure / Entertainment :


A reader gets pleasure from some kind of reading. He is entertained by that reading. That reading is a distraction from it. He reads stories, novels, poems etc. in his spare time. 

There are many such mystery stories, adventure stories, comedies, novels. which are like a spider's web. 

The reader gets caught up in it. Reading has great power to give pleasure and entertainment to the reader.

3) Cognitive development:


Comprehension is developed through continuous reading of different types. 

Comprehension is developed by reading supplementary reading books, newspaper headlines etc. 

Comprehension of students of class 10 is more developed through reading than students of class 1.

4) Sanskar prapti:


One of the purposes of reading is that a person should become cultured by reading. 

Through reading, good principles, good thinking, ethical values, ideal character traits, culture etc. take root in the mind of the reader and he gets morals.

5) Innovation / Creativity :


One of the purposes of reading is to create innovation through reading. At the school level, the students use the thoughts, ideas, eloquence, good thoughts, new words, phrases and sayings etc. in their speech and writing. 

Reading of literary genres like reading poetry, reading stories, reading novels, reading dramas etc. encourages writing of those literary genres. 

Not only this, but also the innovation that was created through new research in other fields. The foundation of all that has been discovered is deep reading.


Types of Reading 

There are two types of reading based on its style:

1. Loud Reading 

2. Silent Reading 

a) Loud Reading


Loud Reading is an art. Loud Reading is always done for others. 

Therefore, Loud Reading should be organized, clear and pure. Likewise, it has to be effective. 

Generally, prose, poetry, drama, news etc. are recited. 

The criteria for a good Loud Reading can be stated as follows:


1. Ability to pronounce letters, words clearly and cleanly.

2. To have smoothness in voice, proper inflection.

3. Readings with proper punctuation.

4. Reading at a suitable pace.

5. To be able to read in harmony with the feelings of the writing and to be able to reflect those feelings in the reading.


b) Silent Reading :

Perceiving the letters through the eyes and interpreting them through the brain, reading them in the mind while pronouncing them is called Silent Reading. This is Silent Reading 

It is done for self and not for others. Therefore, the responsibility of understanding the meaning from silent reading is one's own. 

Reading, extra reading, extensive reading is also silent reading. 

The criteria for good silent reading can be stated as follows:


1. Being able to read at a fast pace by taking in as many words as possible at a single glance.

2. Quickly noticing the meaning of different words in a sentence depending on the context.

3. Realizing the meaning, meaning and phonetic meaning of the word.

4. Being able to read one paragraph keeping in mind its relation to another.

5. Being able to record the main thoughts, ideas, feelings in the passage while reading.
