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Bloom's Taxonomy Revised | Revised Bloom's Taxonomy


Bloom's Taxonomy Revised 


Bloom Taxonomy Benjamin Bloom (1913–1999) was an American psychologist who proposed this taxonomy in his book Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, published in 1956. Which became popular in the name of Bloom Taxonomy. 

The current education is based on Bloom's classification only, as before teaching a teacher selects cognitive, perceptual and functional objectives related to that subject, all these are the result of Bloom's classification.

Bloom's Taxonomy was published in 1956. Its construction work was done by Bloom, hence it became popular in the name of bloom taxonomy. 

Bloom's taxonomy is also known as "objectives of education", so the teaching process is designed in such a way that these objectives can be achieved.


Bloom's Taxonomy

Many psychologists conducted their tests on the basis of Bloom's taxonomy and they were also successful in their tests. 

On this basis, it can be assumed that this theory of Bloom is correct to a large extent. Benjamin Bloom's taxonomy includes cognitive motives, affective motives, psychophysiological motives. First of all, we will know the following points to achieve the Cognitive Domain –


Cognitive Objectives |Bloom's Taxonomy Domains 

1. Knowledge - Bloom gave the first place to knowledge because without knowledge it is impossible to imagine the rest of the points. Until and unless there is knowledge about a thing, it is impossible to think about it and even if it is possible, it cannot find the right direction. For this reason, its importance was given first place in Bloom's classification.

2. Comprehensive – To understand knowledge, to be familiar with all its aspects and to acquire knowledge regarding its merits and demerits.


3. Application - Giving practical form to the knowledge is called application, when it is needed, applying it in the right way in your life and finding solutions to that problem through the knowledge obtained. It converts knowledge into skill, this way it also helps in providing experience to the students.

4. Analysis - By analysis, Bloom meant breaking, that is, to understand a big topic, dividing it into small parts and creating new knowledge and discovering new ideas. This Bloom's idea is also helpful in problem-solving.

5. Synthesis – Adding new ideas or new knowledge obtained, collecting them means creating a new knowledge by adding them is called synthesis.


6. Evaluation – After doing everything, to evaluate that new knowledge whether it is beneficial in all areas or not. It means to say whether they are valid and reliable or not. The purpose for which that knowledge was imparted to the students whether they are able to achieve that purpose or not can be ascertained by evaluation.

2001 Revised Bloom's Taxonomy 

Bloom's taxonomy was revised by Anderson and Kritvol. Looking at the needs of the present, he made some major changes in it. Which is known as Revised bloom taxonomy.


1. Remembering – To be able to store the acquired knowledge in the mind for a long time and to be able to recall it again when the time comes is the quality of memory.

2. Understanding – When, where and how to use the acquired knowledge is possible for a person only when he understands the acquired knowledge properly.

3. Apply – When that knowledge is understood, when it is known that when, where and how to use this knowledge, then apply that knowledge in the right way at the right time.


4. Analysis – After applying that knowledge, analyzing it means breaking it down and dividing it into small parts.

5. Evaluate – After analyzing, evaluating whether the purpose for which it has been achieved is achieving that purpose or not, we can find out by evaluating it.

6. Creating – After evaluation, a new idea is created in that memory, from which a new idea is created.


Bloom's Taxonomy Affective Domain 

In 1964, Kraywal and Maria constructed the Affective Domain under Bloom taxonomy. Paying attention to the emotional side of the students, he put some important points in front of us. Emotional side means to develop the emotional (anger, love, teasing, excited, crying etc.) form of the students towards that topic.

1. Receiving – To achieve the Affective Domain, children should first be imparted knowledge through imitation. At the time of teaching the students, a teacher should realize the emotional aspect of that episode and implement it so that the students can follow it and feel it.


2. Responding – After imitating and acting through that imitation is called response.

3. Valuing – After that response we evaluate whether it proved to be successful or not.

4. Conceptualization – We consider all its aspects together.

5. Organization – Keeping that episode in one place, we think about it and start thinking about it.


6. Characterization – After that we create a character of that character by which a feeling arises within us towards him, such as anger towards the goons, sympathy towards the hero etc.

Psychophysiological Motives (Psychomotor Domain)

Simpson created the psychophysiological objective in 1969 under the Bloom taxonomy. Emphasizing on the functional side of knowledge, he published the following points.


1. Stimulation – Stimulation means something that attracts us, then we react after seeing it, like when we are hungry, we act towards food. In this example, hunger is the stimulus that excites us to act. are doing

2. Manipulation – Actions towards that stimulus compel us to act.

3. Control – We try to control that action.

4. Coordination – To control it, we establish coordination between stimulus and action.


5. Naturalization – While coordinating them, a time comes when it becomes easy for us to coordinate them, we easily coordinate them in every situation, it becomes our nature.

6. Habit formation – It becomes our habit after coming into nature. After such a situation comes again, we always do the same action and reaction, due to which new habits are created in us.


In Bloom's Taxonomy, Bloom has focused on the knowledge and intellectual side of the students. He lays great emphasis on intellectual development for the all round development of the students. His classification has proved to be very useful for bringing desired changes in the behavior of the students. We can achieve the objectives of teaching only by going through Bloom's taxonomy.
