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Meaning and Definition of Memory b.ed notes | Types of Memory b.ed notes


Meaning and Definition of Memory 


The meaning of memory is to remember something. 

Meaning of Memory 

Memory is a mental activity, the basis of memory is acquired experience. Its reproduction is according to the situation.

Definition of Memory

Following are the views of some scientists regarding memory :


Memory definition According to Woodworth

“Remembering what has already been done is memory.”

According to Raeburn

“The power we have to store our experiences and bring them back to the field of consciousness after some time after receiving them is called memory.”

Memory definition According to James 

“Memory is knowledge of the substance of an event of which we have not thought for some time, but of which we have the consciousness that we have previously thought or experienced it.”


Definition of memory according to Scout's

"Memory is a perfect repetition."

McDougall's definition of memory

“Memory refers to imagining past events and recognizing the fact that these are past experiences.”

Types of Memory

There are the following types of memory :


Emotional level memory

In this memory, we can recall past experiences using the senses. We can tell those things by touching them, tasting them, smelling them with closed eyes. whom we know.

Short term memory

In this type of memory, we immediately recite the remembered thing. But after some time we forget that thing. We call such memory as short-term memory. This memory is not the same in all children. It is found more in adults than in children.


Long term memory

We never forget the things we remember like this. This memory is found more in adults than in children.

Parts of Memory

Memory is a complex process. There are four stages or parts in the completion of the process of memory and remembrance.

1. Learning – The first part of memory is learning. The thing we want to remember, we first learn that thing.


2. Retention – is the second part of memory. retention

3. Recall – It is the third part of memory. Remember again. That is, to bring the learned thing from the unconscious mind to the conscious mind.

4. Recognition – is the fourth part of memory. Identification. Then there should be no mistake in what you remember.

Rules of Memory


BN Jha has given three laws of memory :

Law of habit

According to this rule, when we repeat an idea again and again, then its impression becomes so deep in our brain that we get into the habit of expressing it without thinking.

Example – Many people have mountains of half two, three, four, five etc. by rote. They do not have to use their thinking power while speaking them.


Law of continuity

According to this rule the experiences which are specially manifested in the process of learning. They keep coming to our mind continuously for some time. So we don't have to do any kind of experiment to remember them.

Law of correlation

This rule is also called the law of association. According to this rule, when we relate one experience to other organs. Then when we remember one of them, we automatically remember the other.


Memorization methods

Psychologists have discovered many such methods of remembering. Using which saves time. The most important of these are the following

  • complete method
  • block method
  • mixed method
  • progressive method
  • differential method
  • endless method
  • active method
  • passive method
  • rote method
  • Inspection Method
  • verb method
  • thought association method
  • intention method
  • memory training 


Training or practice is very important for the advancement of memory. 

Following are the measures or rules for this. Due to which help is received in the advancement of this memory. Which are the following :

  • determination
  • clear knowledge
  • Incentive
  • foreknowledge
  • generate interest
  • based on prior knowledge
  • more chances to remember
  • Repeat
  • emotional stability
  • concentration
