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Principles and Objectives of Child Development | Bednotesatoz


Principles, objectives, need and importance of child development 


The principles of child development have been explained in this post. Along with the principle of child development, the purpose of child development, importance, need and importance of child development have been explained.

  • Principle of variation in the development of body parts in child development
  • Theory of individual differences in development
  • The principle of continuity or sustainable development
  • Direction of development theory
  • Principle of correlation
  • Theory of development from general to specific
  • Theory of Integration of Child Development
  • Principle of common parlance 


● Progressive activities are always included in child development. Important goals and activities are given a prominent place in the theories of child development.

● Theories of child development can try to modernize the development of children. The process of development is based on the principles of natural, simple and natural development.


● The process of development is not completed at any one place but it is completed in the form of a systematic approach of all the branches of human knowledge, hence the principle of development also follows the principle of universality.

● The principle of response is followed in child development.

The principle of variation in the development of body parts: -


In both the processes of child growth and development, the speed of development in different parts of the body is not the same, the development of some part is very fast and early and the development of some part is slow and delayed. 

Just like human brain develops quickly and the rest of the organs develop slowly and take a long time.

Principle of individual difference: -


● The principle of individual difference works in the theory of child development . Under child development, all types of children are taken care of because it is not necessary that development in all children is same. 

The pace of development and learning new things can be different for each child. Yes but keep in mind that their order remains same which is called principle of same pattern. 

Theory of Continuity or Sustainable Development:-


● The process of development follows the principle of continuity from birth to death, even though the term child development is used for pregnancy to adulthood, but the process of child development also follows the principle of continuity or continuity like the process of development. In other words, child development continues from pregnancy to puberty.


● Means in child development and growth, nothing is developed immediately, it is a continuous and continuous process. Whatever may be the pace of development, slow or fast, but development never stops. It always goes on continuously from birth to death, and the same rule applies in child development as well.


● Just like the hands, feet etc. organs are not formed immediately in a child, it starts forming in pregnancy itself and goes on continuously, don't confuse growth and development here, both are different things.

Principle of direction of development: -


● The principle of direction of development in which the process of development of the child follows the principle of sequence of development from head to toe . 

In this development is from head to toe. This means that the baby's head develops first and the legs develop later. 

Like after birth the baby first tries to move the head, then in a few days he tries to sit and later tries to walk and stand using legs.

Principle of mutual relation or correlation :-


● Child development follows the principle of correlation, which means that the characteristics of child development are related to each other, and speeding up or slowing down the development of one characteristic affects the development of other characteristics.

The principle of development from general to specific :-


● Child development follows the principle of development from general to specific , that means first the child acquires general knowledge of something and then acquires its specific knowledge, for example –

As at first the child considers all types of food items to be the same, after that the child gradually gets to know more about those things.

Principle of integration of child development: -


● According to this principle, the child moves his limbs completely together, after that the child gradually after that limb, which he was using earlier, can now move, move or move any one part of that limb. learns to use. 

For example-

As the child first moves his arm or leg together, he does not yet know how to use the wrist and fingers of his hands. Then the child gradually learns to use the fingers of the hand to use the wrist, this is called the principle of integration of development.

Principle of similar model: -


● Child development follows the principles of the same model. 

According to the principles of similar pattern, the order of development is same in same kind of organisms. 

Gesell has supported this theory by saying that –

“No two human beings are alike, but all normal children follow the same pattern of development, no matter where they live in the world.” 

Harlock also supported Pretiman's statement for the development of Gesell.

● You can understand the principle of similar pattern of child development in such a way that even if a child is born in India and another child is born in America, the sequence of development in both the children will be the same.


Principle of Environment and Heredity :-

Many researches have shown that the effect of heredity, family environment and social environment in the development of the child also has a favorable or adverse effect in the process of child development.

Purpose, need and importance of the theory of child development: -


● In the process of child development, the principle of child development is followed by the teacher in the development of the students, on the basis of which all round development of each student is done.

● In the process of child development, parents play an important role in the all-round development of their children.


● Keeping in mind the development of children in the school, various activities are organized in the school based on the principles of child development.

● The main objective of the principles of child development is the all-round development of children.

● Based on the principles of child development, parents are able to play an important role in helping their children in their development.


● On the basis of the principles of child development, all round development of the students is done by the joint role of teachers, parents, headmaster and school management committee.
