Characteristics Of Teaching Learning Materials
The following characteristics of TLMs have helped to apply them in education on a larger scale:
1. TLMs are helpful in understanding and learning on a permanent basis.
2. They decrease oral lectures.
3. They provide knowledge by experiences.
4. They impart education by narration.
5. They save on time and enhance interest.
6. They produce flow in thoughts.
7. They help a teacher in useful and effective teaching
8. They remove language-related difficulties.
9. They apply different types of techniques.
10. Students remain active and are able to learn a topic well.
11. Scientific attitude is inculcated.
12. Students find themselves able, more resourceful and more confident as they have to work themselves.
13. Curiosity for enquiry of new topics is awakened,
14. Opportunities for looking at objects directly is given.
15. A good opportunity is provided for comparative study of natural and artificial objects.
16. The method of using tools is also learnt.
17. TLMs are able to make students understand even finer points easily and inculcates their power of imagination and reflection.
18. They motivate students' senses of learning and provide them definite knowledge.
19. They make a topic interesting.
20. They stimulate our senses and simplify the teaching-learning process.
The TLMs are used in educational field for the following aims:
1. To inculcate and develop students' interest in the topic.
2. To impart factual information to students in an interesting manner.
3. To improve the rate of retention in students.
4. To make students more active
5. To increase interest in studies.
6. To have positive effect on aptitudes.
7. To impart education to gifted an backward students as per their abilities.
8. To make content clear, simple and comprehendible.
9. To inculcate th power of observation in students.
10. To concretize abstract objects.
11. To prepare students mentally for new knowledge and motivate them.
Need and Importance of Teaching Learning Materials
1. TLMs help in maintaining attention and motivation in the learning process.
2. The application of TLMs helps to simplify complex form of content.
3. This helps in making students understand the content well.
4. This is capable of making teaching-learning system efficient, effective and attractive.
5. This is capable maintaining dialogue to a certain level and making it dynamic.
6. This pays attention to individual differences.
7. This expands learning resources by providing scientific and psychological bases to teaching-learning process.
8. TLMs have the unique ability to make teaching circumstances concrete and live by which transfer becomes effective and simple.
A good TLM should have the following characteristics
1. Accuracy: The right type of TLM should be chosen for explaining a topic. It is not at all proper to choose a science model for teaching commerce, however analogical it might be. Whatever is taught, the audio-visual aids should be chosen accordingly.
2. Relevance : A human heart should be used to teach a 'human heart'. If a frog's heart is displayed in order to think that all hearts function in a similar manner, it amounts to erroneous teaching. Therefore, the quality of relevance is essential in an TLM
3. Realism : The TLM which is being used for explaining a process, topic or concept, should realistically represent it 100%. If it is not real, the audio-visual aid cannot be said to be proper.
4. Interesting: A good TLM is the one which inculcates interest in students. If it does not introduce the element of interest in teaching, then its utility is brought under the scanner of suspense.
5. Adaptability : A good TLM should have the quality of adaptability. If it is not according to the topic and subject, and if it cannot be adapted for it, then such an aid should not be used
6. Economical in Time : A good TLMs should consume less time in the teaching process. It is aptly said, "Don't teach aids, teach the subject with aids." Attention should be paid to explain, not the aid, but the topic.
7. Economical in Cost: As far as may be possible, a TLM should be less expensive.
If an aid is expensive and the college finds itself unable to buy it, then it is not useful.
Effort should be made to make use of improvised teaching aids to the maximum extent Aids can also be mai e by teachers and students themselves in a meagre expenditure.
8. Availability of Aids : A good teaching aid should be available. If a teaching aid has all the qualities, but is not available, then it is as good as non-existent.
These are many written precautions to be exercised in choosing a TLM:
1. They should be as per students' experiences, understanding, age, need, nature of topic and content.
2. They should be related to the topic under study
3. They should present the topic in a correct form
4. They should be capable of realizing the learning objectives in the class
5. They should be a per the students' environment so that all points of the topic can be understood well
6. Not many aids should be used in the explanation of a topic.
7. Only such teaching aid should be chosen which can arouse students' interest, make them curious and motivate them.
8. A teaching aid should be used for as long as may be necessary. It is not proper to display an audio-visual aid throughout the entire education of a period
9. A teaching aid should be chosen if it is simple, easy and adequate.
10. A chosen TLM should be equipped with teaching values
11. A TLM should be in its proper form.
12. Before use of a TLM in the class, a teacher should practise it himself. If he can use it effectively, only then it should be chosen, else not
13. After a TLM has been selected, all its directions and guidelines should be carefully studied and only then it should be used.
1. Traditional TLMs
(i) Blackboard
(ii) Journals and Periodicals
(iii) Tables
2. Audio TLMs
(i) Radio
(iii) Tape-recorder
(ii) Gramophone and Linguaphone
(iv) Human voice
(v) Telephone conversation
3. Visual TLMs
(i) Real objects
(ii) Sketches and diagrams
(iii) Models and specimens
(iv) Map and globes
(v) Graphs
(vi) Charts
(vii) Bulletin boards
(viii) Flannel boards
(ix) Posters
(x) Magnetic board
(xii) Magic lantern
(xiii) Photographs
(xiv) Silent films
(xv) Epidiascope
(xvi) OHP
(xvii) Printed materials
(xviii) Atlas
(xix) Reference books
(xx) Museum
4. Audio-visual TLMs
(i) television
(ii) Films
(iii) CCTV
(iv) Documentary films
(v) Video films
(vi) Exhibition
(vii) Laboratory
(viii) Workshop
(ix) Role playing
(x) Video conferencing
(xi) Computer
(xii) Internet
5. Community Resources
(i) Excursions
(ii) Social sources
(iii) Social source plan.
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