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Characteristics of Textbook b.ed notes | Features of good Textbook b.ed notes


Characteristics of Textbook b.ed notes


Features of good Textbook b.ed notes 


Following are the main features of text-books: 

1. Purposefulness – 

Every text-book should be designed keeping some objectives in mind. 

The motivation to fulfill these objectives should be present in the book. 

The purpose of the language textbook is not to impart knowledge of geography and science. 

Therefore, the purpose of lessons based on such topics is not only to provide information but also to increase language knowledge. 

Therefore, the lessons should fulfill the purpose of increasing language-knowledge. 


2. Appropriateness – 

Psychologically, there are many stages of development of human personality; 

For example, childhood, adolescence, adulthood etc. 

Lessons based on topics compatible with the general trends of these stages are appropriate.

3. Variety of topics - 

It is better to have several lessons based on a single topic rather than several lessons based on one topic. 


Thus different genres of literature should be represented in the book. There should be lessons on all subjects like prose, poetry, drama, story, essay etc.

4. Interestingness - 

The subjects in which students are interested, they do not get bored in studying them and they understand them quickly. 

The principle of interest is a psychological fact of today and this principle should be applied in every field of education.


5. Relation with life : 

The topics covered in the text book should be related to life. Students find it difficult to learn subjects unrelated to life.

6. Sequentiality – 

Lessons of text-books should be sequential. This sequence should be according to the age of the students and the topics should be arranged on the basis of principle from easy to difficult. 


7. Idealism – 

Some lessons in the text-book should be such that they are able to provide new message, new inspiration and new ideals to the student.

8. Practical - 

There should be some lessons which can develop the practical intelligence of the child and teach him ethics. 


9. Level adaptability - 

The language of text books should be student friendly. In the initial classes, their language should be very simple and gradually the level of the language should be increased according to the system. 

10. Accuracy - 

Textbooks should be accurate from the point of view of language. If the language of the book itself is impure, then how can it be expected that the students will be able to master the language after reading them. 


11. Meaningfulness - 

Every word of the text book should be meaningful, each sentence and each paragraph should be meaningful. It should not be that words, sentences and paragraphs are unnecessarily inserted. Unnecessary words or sentences should not find place in the book. 

12. Affiliation - 

Every sentence in the book should be related to another sentence. One paragraph should be related to another paragraph. Different sentences within a paragraph should be related to each other. 


13. Language enhancement - 

The language of text-books should be such that the vocabulary of the students can increase and their authority over the language can increase.

14. Originality - 

Originality should not be diluted in the text book lessons. Sometimes teachers shorten the original article of the author while compiling and thus make the article devoid of originality, this should not happen. Keep in mind that the newness of expression should remain in the lessons that are written newly. 


15. Stylistic diversity – 

There should be different literary genres in each text-book, but in those lessons, there should be poems of different rasas like makeup, humor, compassion, raudra, terrible, heroic, calm, etc. and Doha, Chaupai, Kavita, Savay There should be various verses, verses, rhymes, etc.

16. Name - 

The name also has an effect on the external qualities of the text book. The name of the book should be simple, concise, clear and attractive. It should also give some idea of ​​the subject.


17. Size - 

The size of the lessons in the text-book should not be too small or big. In this way, the size of the entire book should neither be too small nor too big. The number of pages should be less in small classes, but this number should increase gradually in large classes.

18. Paper - 

The paper should not be very thin and it should not be such that it shines on the eyes. It should not be so old that it wears out soon and the student has to buy a new book twice a year. Smaller classes may have textbooks of larger size paper.


19. Printing - 

The printing of the book should be accurate. The letters should not be too short. In the initial classes, printing should be done in bold letters and gradually in the upper classes, the letters can be fine. 

The letters of the questions given for practice should be different from the letters of the original text. There should be different types of letters for titles as well. Keep in mind the distance between words, distance from one sentence to another, paragraph-plan etc.


20. Pictures – 

Subjects become clear through pictures. To increase the usefulness of the book, there should be pictures. There must be pictures in the textbooks of elementary classes. Gradually, there is a shortage of these pictures in higher classes and there is no special need for these pictures in higher classes.

21. Binding - 

The binding of text-books should be strong. In small classes, students tend to tear books a lot and unfortunately these days their bindings are the weakest.


22. Cover- 

The cover of the text book should be attractive. Little kids love the colorful pictures! So it is good if there are different pictures in the covers of his books. The covers of books of higher classes should be plain, but artistic.

23. Price -

The price of the text book should be reasonable, so that the students can buy it easily and the parents are not burdened.


Out of the above mentioned qualities, the first fifteen qualities are the common qualities of the text-books. In these also the following types of qualities have been mentioned

(a) From the point of view of subject matter, internal qualities are described from serial number 1 to 8.

(b) The internal qualities from the point of view of language are described in serial numbers 9 to 13.


(c) In terms of style, internal qualities are fourteenth and fifteenth. 

(d) External qualities of text-books are discussed from serial number 16 to serial number 23.

Causes of Individual Differences 

What is textbook? Meaning of Textbook
