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Development of Creativity in Students | Development of Creativity in Children


Development of Creativity in Students 


Proper environment and supervision is required for creativity to flourish and nurture. 

If it is not provided with proper training, education and adequate opportunities for expression, it goes in vain. 

Moreover, as we have read earlier, creativity is universal, it is not the monopoly of a few gifted individuals. Each of us possesses some degree of creative abilities.

Therefore, it is necessary for teachers and parents to arrange proper environment and conditions for the development of children's creativity. This problem is certainly difficult, but it also has a solution. Creative abilities can be developed by proper motivation and circumstances.


Originality, flexibility, fluid thinking, diverse thinking, self-confidence, continuous hard work, sensitivity, ability to see and build relationships, etc. are some of the abilities whose development can prove to be helpful in the development of creativity. 

The following suggestions may prove helpful in developing these abilities:

Freedom to answer- It is often seen that teachers and parents expect old beaten answers from their children. This does not develop creativity in children. So we should provide enough freedom to the children to answer. They should be encouraged to think of more and more ideas to solve the problem.


Opportunities for ego expression – “This is my creation”, “I solved it” – this feeling gives more satisfaction to the children. 

In fact, they definitely engage in creative work only when their ego is involved i.e. When they feel that a certain creative work has been possible only because of their efforts, so we should provide such opportunities to the children so that they can feel that this creation has been accomplished by them only.


Encouraging originality and flexibility- Originality present in children in any form should be encouraged. 

Blindly following facts, copying as it is, passively acquiring knowledge, rote learning etc. are hindrances in creative expression. 

Therefore, they should be controlled as much as possible. If they want to change their methods while solving a problem or learning a task, they should be encouraged.


Overcoming hesitation and fear : Sometimes hesitation mixed with fear and inferiority complex hinders creative expression. 

Many times we have heard people say “I know what I mean but I cannot write or speak in front of others. 

One should try to remove the reasons for this type of fear or hesitation as much as possible. Teachers and parents should inspire such children to say or write something.


Providing proper opportunities and environment for creative expression- To promote creativity in children, it is very important to arrange a healthy and proper environment. 

An adequate balance must be struck between learning and experimentation, passive acquisition of knowledge or acquisition of knowledge through personal effort, and certain stability and risk. The curiosity and tolerance of the child should not be suppressed under any circumstances.


We can use co-curricular activities, social festivals, religious fairs, exhibitions etc. to provide opportunities for creative expression. 

Regular class-work can also be arranged in such a way that creative thinking develops in children.

Developing healthy habits in children- hardworking, self-reliance, self-confidence etc. are some of the qualities that help in creativity. These qualities should be inculcated in children. 

Apart from this, they should also be trained to stand against the criticism on their creative expression. They should feel that what they have created is unique and that what they want to express is being expressed through it.


Using the creative resources of the community Children should visit creative arts centers and scientific and industrial manufacturing centers. 

This inspires them to do creative work. Sometimes artists, scientists and other creative persons should also be invited to the school. 

In this way, children can be helped in expanding their knowledge and creativity can be promoted in them.


Presenting your example and ideal - This statement is true that "your example is better than principle". Children always follow. 

Teachers and parents who always walk the beaten path, do not show originality by taking risks in life, do not experience anything new or do anything new, cannot develop creativity in their children. 

So they should believe in change, innovation and originality. There should be a glimpse of creativity in their teaching and behavior, only then they can develop creativity in children.


Avoiding barriers to creative thinking – conservatism, flawed methods of teaching, unsympathetic behavior, unnecessary anxiety and frustration prevailing among children, unchanging fixed and traditional work habits, fear and disinterest in old ideas, ideals and things new. 

Emotion Demanding high level of achievement in every little task, supremacy of the task of scoring high marks in examination, autocratic and dictatorial attitude of teachers and parents towards children, discouraging children to think or act out of the box.

There are many reasons and circumstances that hinder the development and nurturing of creativity in children. 

Therefore, it is the duty of teachers and parents to prevent all these causes and circumstances that are enemies of creativity.

Do everything possible to prevent children's creativity from being destroyed.


Proper organization of curriculum- Curriculum plays an important role in bringing about desired behavior change.

Therefore, the school curriculum should be organized in such a way that it can prove to be helpful in developing maximum creativity in children. 

The following measures can be more beneficial in this direction:

• Instead of facts, concepts should be made the basis for planning the curriculum.


• Instead of meeting the general needs of all children, priority should be given to the fulfillment of the individual needs of the children through the curriculum.

• “Truth is sought, it does not reveal itself. This philosophical approach should be given special place in the selection and organization of curriculum.

• The curriculum should be flexible enough and should have enough freedom to learn and do something beyond the requirement of examination and evaluation. 


• In short, the curriculum should be organized in such a way that through it there is full cooperation in the development of various qualities helpful in creativity - fluidity, flexibility, originality, diverse thinking, inventiveness and elaboration etc.

• Improvement in the evaluation system Whatever is taught and taught in the school is exam-oriented in every way. 

Therefore, unless there is a favorable change in the structure of examination and evaluation, creativity cannot be nurtured by any education system. 

For this, instead of rote memory-centered and convergent thinking, monotonous one-to-one answers or demand for responses, etc., things that destroy creativity should be included in the examination system, all those things which encourage students to engage in learning experiences that nurture and develop creativity.
