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Role of the teachers in the development of environmental awareness


Role of the teachers in the development of Environmental Awareness 


It is the responsibility of the whole society to run the campaign of environmental protection and improvement in a comprehensive manner, but the teacher is an important responsible member of the society, therefore his role has been specially considered in achieving this goal. 

Teacher deals with students of different age groups. Like a guide, he can motivate the students to find innovative and successful solutions by making them aware of the various problems of the society. 

In today's time 'environmental pollution' is a burning problem which is directly and indirectly affecting the whole world by bringing distortion in its physical, social and psychological forms. 


Therefore, a teacher from the intellectual class of the society can play a special role in developing sensitivity towards this particular problem, because he is a sensitive and responsible citizen who modifies the problems of the society from a school-like laboratory.

1. Co-curricular Activities- 

By organizing these activities, the environment can play a substantial role in developing consciousness. 

Under the co-curricular activities, the following activities can be done by the students, which will improve the environment. 

The teacher himself can help in improving the present condition of the physical environment by motivating them in his presence. 

Because the teacher gives the knowledge of different subjects to the students in the school. 

Therefore, along with that subject, it can easily give information about different types of environment.


• Tree plantation, protection and getting green gardens done.

• To develop the habit of keeping the waste material, garbage etc. at the appropriate place, these shortcomings are often seen even today in the educated society.

• Teaching to make the environment of the parks clean, as well as actively taking them from slums and villages to conduct such programs so that the general public can become aware of the improvement of the environment and to improve it, all classes of people are involved can take cooperation.


• Educating students to make them aware of keeping the environment clean, as well as actively taking them from slums and villages to conduct such programs, so that the general public can become aware of the environment and to improve it. Can take the cooperation of all classes of people.

2. Teacher's help can also be important in analyzing and evaluating the forms of pollution and distortions generated in all the three forms of environment- physical, social and psychological.

3. Can inform the environment related films, essays, articles and reports and help students to understand them minutely by taking required corrections in pre-made materials. 


4. Special role in developing environmental consciousness Teacher can play a special role towards the students and especially as a special representative of the society with a view to study in depth the positive and negative aspects of the environment. 

A teacher related to physical, social and psychological subjects can bring a revolution towards environmental improvement by making students aware of new information related to these areas.

• By identifying the problems like a scientist, the teacher can analyze their positive and negative effects in front of his students and explain each fact logically, which will directly and actively affect the mind and brain of the students.


• Like a psychologist, the teacher can be aware of the sensitivity of the students, like a friend, understanding their insanities, finding suitable resources and bringing them to a normal state, and can develop a democratic attitude in them, so that they do not blame their frustrations on the society. 

It should be done in school, it should be modified and a responsible citizen with a healthy mental state can be created.

• Since the teacher is a representative member of the society. The important responsibility of education is on his shoulders, he has direct contact with the social sector. 

Therefore, it can play a special role in reducing the dangerous situation and deformity generated in the social environment, because it is a responsible and sensitive person of the society.


• Teacher's help can prove important in analyzing and evaluating the forms of pollution and distortions in environmental consciousness.

• The teacher's role can be seen in interviewing the illustrations of specific places in environmental consciousness. 

At such places, he can help the students to take stock of the effects caused by pollution and can increase their sensitivity and sensitivity.


5. Education through tourism: 

The teacher can play a special role by presenting the students with examples of specific places and self-distortions and pollution through travel and tourism. 

He can help the students through his experiences in observing the effects of pollution at such sites. 

6. Special role in organizing contact programs: 

Through education, a teacher can give information about environmental pollution and its ill-effects by going among parents and common people in villages, cities like a dissemination worker. Primary and secondary level teachers can be successful in completing this work efficiently.


7. In order to study the positive and negative aspects of his environment in depth, the student can get special help from the teachers of his respective subjects.

There has been a continuous increase in developing environmental consciousness in India, but still there has not been sufficient development of environmental consciousness among the rural and illiterate people of India. 

Therefore, it is necessary to make it a mass movement. Correct information about environmental subject can be given through teachers. 

In short, it can be said that our teachers can play a very important role in creating public awareness about environmental problems and in understanding the human hazards arising out of them. 

A teacher can bring a revolution in environmental improvement from primary level to university level with his influence.
