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Types of Speech | b.ed notes | Types of Speech in English | Bednotesatoz


Types of Speech 

Types of speech can be mentioned as follows:

a) Informal Speech :

Informal speech is the absence of purpose, regularity, scientific accuracy, subject, time and place restrictions, speaking freely without pressure on persuasion. 

Types of informal speech are as follows:


1) Family communication:

It includes all the talk of the family from the youngest child to the elderly. It includes family communication like household discussions, commands, instructions, requests, jokes etc.

2) Gossip:

Gossips happen between friends and peers. Gossip has no time, subject and place limitations. Chatting includes asking for each other's happiness, sharing joys and sorrows, making fun, increasing moments of happiness, etc.


3) Messaging:

No one should know what you are saying. They are spoken only in a certain way to make their meaning known to peers, groups. E.g. Spy language, sign language etc. 

b) Formal Speech :

A formal speech is a formal speech that is formal, systematic, structured and logical.

Types of formal speech can be mentioned as follows:


1) Description :

Narration is the indirect sharing of an experience of a person, thing, event, travel, nature, etc. that you have experienced. Description should be vivid, natural, precise and effective,

2) Request:

Statement means to say knowingly. The statement can be read out and also said. The statement is in standard language. 

The narrator cannot express his feelings in the statement. Incidents are reported separately. E.g. News on radio, television.


3. Discussion:

Various aspects of a topic are revealed through discussion. Each person participating in the discussion has to speak as well as listen. 

Discussions include understanding each other's thoughts, expressing your thoughts precisely, etc. A discussion is not a debate but a problem solving answer can be found through discussion.

4. Lecture :

In a meeting, a speech addressed to a large or small group of persons is called a lecture. In a lecture, the speaker is mesmerizing many listeners at the same time. 

Lectures should be interesting, effective and efficient. A lecturer should be able to understand the psychology of the audience in front of him.


One should have in-depth knowledge of the topic to be talked about and be able to explain the topic in a simple way.

5. Debate: 

In this type of speech, two parties, one in favor of the topic and one in opposition to it, take part. There are two sides to any subject. E.g. Whether television is a curse or a boon, both parties support their views.

For this, rational thinking uses examples and proofs to convince. Similarly, they refute the opinion of the other party. 


6. Narration :

Telling a story simply and accurately is storytelling. Storytelling should feel alive. The events and characters of the story should stand out clearly in front of the listener. 

Fluency of language, inflection in voice, intonation, facial expressions etc. need to be given importance while telling stories.

7. Explanation : 

Explanation is to explain the nature of difficult parts such as definitions, terms, concepts, principles, rules, reasons behind phenomena etc. Explanations use simple words, points are arranged sequentially.


8. Dialogue

Conversation in a play is called dialogue. It is through this interaction of the characters that the plot of the play, the nature of the characters becomes clear. 

There should be clearness and purity in the pronunciation of this dialogue, the ups and downs in the voice, the intonation. The emotions of the play should come alive through this dialogue. 


9. Interview:

Two persons are talking to each other in an interview. Interviews are conducted with famous people in the fields of politics, social, arts, sports, industry, education, literature etc. 

Similarly, an interview is conducted for a job. From the interview, the person's likes and choices, thoughts and opinions about a subject, his confidence etc. are understood. Interviewers also need to have 'interviewing' speaking skills.
