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Equity and Equality in Education B.Ed Notes | Equality of Educational Opportunities b.ed notes


Concept of Equality

Equality means equal availability of opportunities to every individual after the elimination of all factors which create inequality and exploitation.

A few such factors are : sex, caste, religion, language, race, colour, political opinion, national or social origin, economic consideration or birth, etc.

Equality does not assume that all individuals are equal in capacities.

Individuals differ in innate and acquired characteristics.


Equality in education means equal availability of educational opportunities for every qualified person irrespective of sex, caste, religion, language, race, colour, political opinion, nation or social origin, economic condition or birth.

Equality does not assume that all individuals are basically equal to capacities.

Each individual should get opportunities as warranted by his innate capacities.

No one should be stopped from going up except when he himself lacks the ability to go up.

Views of certain authorities are briefly described below:


(a) V. R. Taneja

The equality of educational opportunity implies the provision of:

(i) free education upto a given level which constitutes the principle entry point to the national labour force. Thus, eliminating the economic source of inequality of opportunities;

(i) differential educational opportunities suiting the needs, abilities and aspiration of student; and

(fii) State help in the form of scholarships, subsidies and loans in case a student is not able to maintain himself.

(b) B. R. Goyal 

B. R. Goyal (1983) presents the following views on the concept of equality of educational opportunities with specific reference to India:

(i) Every Indian should get a minimum level of education

(i) In the distribution of educational opportunities, the innate ability and aptitude of the students should be the main-criterion.

(ii) Instead of a common school system, we should have a neighbourhood school system in India, and instead of common curriculum we should have a need based curriculum which may develop competencies in the learners.


(iv) In case, a student is not able to maintain himself, he should be developed to avail educational opportunities by means of scholarship or even loans.

(v) Availing of educational opportunities should go, hand with the recognition of educational merit as a means of securing job or a position in life.

(e) General View

The general view on the concept of equality of educational opportunity is that is constitutes the following three dimensions:

(i) Equality of access to education.

(ii) Equality in utility of education (Common School System)

(iii) Equality of social status derived from educational attainments.

In concrete terms, the equality in education means provision of:

1. Free education upto primary level.

2. Various scholarships, stipends, exemptions (such as in tuition fees, examinations fees), educational loans and other subsidies.

3. Free books, clothing, mid-day meals.


4. Differential educational opportunities

5. Elimination of economic source of inequality of opportunities


Equity means fairness or impartiality in the availability of opportunities to every individual of the society.

In the light of social fairness, it is fair to follow the policy of reservations for scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, backward classes, women people from rural area, sportsmen, freedom fighter, ex-military persons and their wards, etc.

Constitutional amendments have been made from time to time in this context in India.

Concept of Equality and Equity in Education

1. Meaning : Equality and equity means equal and fair availability of educational opportunities to every individual after elimination of all factors which create inequity and exploitation

2. Equality and Equity in Education at Various Levels:

(i) Primary Level :

Under Article 85 of the Directive Principle, "the State shall endeavor to provide free and compulsory education for all children until they complet the age of fourteen years.

It means that, there should be universal enrolment, universal provision of physical facilities and universal retention.

The universal enrolment, provision of infra-structure and retention is called an universalisation of primary education.

The curriculum should be based upon basic needs of individual or their should be basi education.


(ii) Secondary Level:

The equality and equity in education at secondary level is the availability of education opportunities for individual on the basis of their diversified interests, aptitudes and capacites.

Individual differences in all aspects (physical intellectual, social and emotional) are observed at this stage.

Another important aspect of equality at this level is the availability of vocational and technical education opportunities besides general education.

The population at the secondary level is considered active from production point of view.

(ii) Higher Level or Tertiary Level :

The meaning of equality at higher level is the availability of educational opportunities on the basis of merit.

There are reservation off seats from the point of social equality.

The Radha Krishnan Commission on University Education (1948) said, "Equality of opportunity does not mean identical opportunity for all. It means equal availability of education for every qualified person. Exceptional ability is socially so valuable that it may be given exceptional opportunity."


The following points highlight the necessity of equality and equity in education:

1. Right: Education has been thought of as a Universal Human Right. The idea of equality and adequate chance to any or all was highlighted within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the final Assembly of the global organization on December ten, 1948.

As a sequal to the present, the principles of 'non-discrimination' and 'right to education' were powerfully advocated.

These 2 principles familial the construct of equality of opportunity' in education.

Therefore, depriving a person of education, on the idea of faith, race or cless, are deprivation of right.


2. Essential for Democracy: India may be a democratic country. Democracy is predicated on the principle of equal freedom and equal rights for all its members, notwithstanding race, religion, sex, occupation or economic standing.

Democracy may be achieved through liberty, equality, fraternity and justice.

During a democratic society, equal rights and equality of opportunities area unit provided.

Hence, equality and equity in education area unit required as a result of it's through the education to any or all the folks during a democracy, that the success of democratic establishments is assured.

3. Egalitarian Society: Equality associate degreed equity in education area unit required for the institution of an egalitarian society, a society during which equality and social justice ought to be the norms.

4. Economic Development : Equality and equity in education area unit required for the economic development of the state. the specified success in economic development can't be achieved while not providing equality and equity in education.

5. Nations Advancement : Equality and equity in education can guarantee a speedy advancement of a nation. Education is currently associate degree investment. If the folks have equal opportunities to urge education, they're going to have an opportunity to develop their natural talent and so, enrich the society.

6. Search of Talent : Equality and equity in education can extend the search of talent among all the folks of nation. there'll so be offered folks with specialised skills for specialised jobs during a sizable amount and also the society. are benefitted.


7. nearer Link : Equality and equity in education can develop a more in-depth link between the furthermore wants of a society and also the handiness of the trained personnel.

8. socialization Pattern of Society : Equality and equity in education will facilitate in transfer concerning silent revolution within the method of firm of the socialization pattern of society.

9. Modernization : Equality and equity in education area unit required for fast the method of modernization in social, economic. political and education field.

Importance of Women's Education in India
