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Developmental Characteristics of Adolescence | Development during Adolescence b.ed notes


Development during Adolescence b.ed notes


Development in Adolescence 

Adolescence is the third stage of human development that begins after the end of childhood and continues till the onset of adulthood. The period between the age of 12 and 18 is called adolescence.

The physical, mental, social and emotional changes that occur at this stage are considered to be very important from the point of view of individual development.

It is considered the most difficult period of life because of the transitional period between childhood and adulthood. During this period, the child lives in both stages. It is neither considered to be a child nor accepted as an adult.


The term 'adolescence' is derived from the Latin word 'adolescere' which means' growing towards maturity (to grow to maturity)', hence the adolescence is a stage in which a child grows to maturity and at the end of which it becomes a full matured individual.

Stanley Hall described Adolescence as a state of conflict, strain, storm and protest. Having emotional turbulence and tension, some psychologists also call it the problem state (problem age).


Developmental Characteristics of Adolescence


1. Physical Development 

Adolescence is considered a critical period from the point of view of physical development. Some of the significant physical changes in the teen Boys and Girls during this period are the symptoms of onset of puberty. At this stage, Girls move towards the attainment of femininity and Boys towards manhood.


Adolescence involves a rapid increase in weight and length, firmness in structure and muscles. There is a marked appearance of beard and mustache in the boys. They are conscious of their own body and health. Boys strive to be healthy, strong and energized, while girls want their shapes to be women's allurements.

2.  Mental Development 

Mental abilities are also developed in adolescents. Imagination, memory, daydreaming, rationality, and ability to take decisions develop more. This period is characterized by conflicting mental conditions (contrasting mental happiness) in teens. Mental curiosity develops. He takes interest in social, economic, political and international events.

3. Lack of Stability and Adjustment 


The mood of boys and girls in adolescence is as unstable as that of babies. The stability in childhood begins to end and the teenagers become like a child with a unstable mind. Hence, adolescence is also called recurrence of childhood (recapitulation).

At this stage behaviour changes so rapidly that the young girls and boys are restless and their thoughts change from moment to moment. As a result, they find it difficult to adjust with other people and with the environment.

4. Differences in Behaviour 

Adolescent girls and boys have a heightened sense. In a emotional passion they do impossible and extraordinary things. Their behavior on different occasions may be different, sometimes vociferously enthusiastic, sometimes quite discouraging, sometimes extremely active and sometimes extremely troublesome.

5. Dense Friendship 


In Adolescence, though a member of a group, he/she is still in close touch with only one or two persons of the group who are his/her best friends. With these he/she discusses his/her personal problems and takes advice.

6. Changes and Stability in Interests

The interests of adolescent girls and boys change constantly in the early years of adolescence, but in later years their interests start settling down. Boys and girls have some similarities in their interests and some differences.


The interests of boys and girls are such as reading journals, stories, plays, novels, listening to radio, watching cinema and television programmes, ornamenting to make the body more attractive, attracting towards certain sex.

Boys , who take more interest in moving out of the house and in sports while the girls take special interest in embroidery, weaving, dancing, music and household activities.

7. Maturity of Sex Instinct 

Perhaps the most important feature of adolescence is the operation of the maturation and activity of the Sex senses. Physically adolescents become capable of establishing sex. The suppressed sexual impulse of infancy, which remains asleep in early childhood, is revived.


Teenagers start taking special interest to each other. Adolescents friendship are clearly reflected in activities such as mixing, talking, walking, etc.

8. Importance of Group 

Teenagers attach more importance to their group or peers than their family, teachers and schools. All their actions and attitudes are influenced by groups. They prefer the outlook of their group and make changes in their attitudes, habits, interests and desires as they are.

9. Feeling of Independence and Revolt 

Freedom in adolescence is very strong. The young girls and boys do not readily accept the orders of elders, family and society, customs, or superstitions. They want to live their independent lives. Without logic they don 't want to accept anything.


If the prohibition is imposed, they try to revolt; in fact, teenagers look upon adults as obstacles in their path. In their opinion, the Adults try to undermine their freedom.

10. Feeling of Social Service 

The spirit of social service prevail in adolescence. Teenagers want to help other people. Sacrifice are strong in them. Adolescents are ready to risk their lives for the country, society, or group of friends. They are full of love and good for the whole of mankind. They strive to remove evils and extend their best support to the establishment of an ideal society.

11. Faith in God and Religion 


Religious sentiment prevails in adolescence. The teenagers begin to accept the existence of god in some form or the other. They begin to believe in religion and go to temples, mosque, gurudwara or church. They have a sense of respect for all religions.

12. Feeling of Hero Worship 

Adolescence tends to heroic worship. Influenced by the Ideal qualities of the heroes and heroines of history, literature and real life, the great men, leaders, or heroes, they are devoted to them in devotion and worship them as followers of their ideals. Hence, adolescence is also called stage of heroic worship (age of hero warships).

13. Feeling of Self Respect 


Teenagers have a strong sense of self - respect and self - Pride. They feel humiliated by small things. With their self - respect being too strong, they sometimes try to run away from home and lead a free, independent life.

14. Development of Delinquency 

Through obstruction to the desire, failure, lack of love, craving for new experiences, a sense of guilt begins to develop in adolescence. In fact, adolescence is the time of the development of delinquency, and the criminal life of most criminals often begins with the complex conditions of adolescence.


15. Anxiety for Vocation 

Adolescents are anxious about their future vocation. The Adolescents often talk about the matters of choosing a profession, preparing for it, entering and promoting it. Teenagers choose textbooks to suit the profession of their choice.
