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Concept of Self Learning : Role of teacher in Self Learning | Principles of Self Learning


Meaning of Self Learning 

Concept of Self Learning 


Self-learning means all those strategies, learning methods and formulas etc. which tell the learner to be an autonomous learner. There is development of interest and effectiveness in learning.

The learner gets to know how to learn. Emphasis is not laid on rote learning, rather special attention is paid to the fact that 'the learner should learn by himself'. There should be development of self-reliance in him.

In the present era, the learner himself takes support of new techniques for learning. Self-learning becomes easier with the help of these techniques like e-learning, internet etc.

Objectives of Self Learning 


The purpose of teaching through self-learning techniques is to make children aware of facts and also to make them aware of how facts are known. 

The students who are taught by this strategy learn to be observant, to be certain and to think for themselves. Its objective is to create scientific and critical attitude and spirit in the students. 

An eminent educationist says that the purpose of self-learning is to make students more observant and reflective. 

To strengthen the foundation of future self-education in the students and to develop the spirit of research and discovery in them.

Principles and Psychological Basis of Self Learning 


(a) Theory of learning by action or action.

(b) Principle of experience.

(c) Principle of liberty.

(d) Play theory.

(e) Principle of purpose.

Students acquire knowledge through their personal experience and are engaged in some or the other work, this gives knowledge of facts and creates a sense of inquiry in children. 

In this, the sense of innate curiosity of the students is used and they themselves are excited to know the facts by working hard. They work while playing in an independent environment.


Students do not memorize theories and facts. They have to make efforts on their own and hence education becomes important for them.

Process of Self Learning 


In this, the students are taught to be active and they are made capable to get what they want through experiments or by studying books or by other programs. The student becomes in a position to do research work on his own.

Children discuss freely. They move freely in the laboratory, library and classroom. There is no restriction on them.

Role of the Teacher in Self Learning 


Because students alone cannot get information about all the facts, so they need the teacher's help and constant guidance. 

The teacher should only guide them and not give them the knowledge acquired as a result of their thinking power.

The teacher should have sufficient knowledge and knowledge. He should be a person of studious nature who always acquires knowledge and always keeps his knowledge fresh.


The teacher should be curious and keep observing. He should have scientific research power so that he can create qualities in the students as well.

The teacher should be proficient in the art of asking questions because the success of this strategy depends on the successful use of the art of asking questions. 

The teacher should also encourage the children to ask questions.

The approach of the teacher should be sympathetic and he should maintain an atmosphere of freedom in the class.


The teacher should also have sufficient amount of patience. He should not criticize the results drawn by children without thinking. 

He should help the children to remove the errors and shortcomings left in the conclusions drawn by the children. 

Children should be given full opportunity to overcome their shortcomings.

The teacher should plan such problems according to the age, ability, interest and inclination of the children.


In short, the teacher more aware, more careful, more capable and more vigilant. Yes, only then that strategy can be successful.

Merits of Self Learning 


1. It makes the outlook of the students scientific and critical.

2. It inculcates the spirit of inquiry in the students.

3. It inculcates the habit of hard work in the students as they are engaged in problem solving.

4. It develops a sense of self-activity among the students.

5. It creates a sense of self-confidence and self-reliance in the students to do new things, because under this they have to draw their own conclusions.


6. Students know how to organize their events.

7. These make learning permanent and effective.

8. Due to these, the relationship between students and teachers deepens.

9. It provides such opportunities to the students to prepare themselves for life, they learn to handle different situations and can reach their own conclusions, this experience is very useful for them in their future life.

10. There is no fear of homework. Students do not memorize facts at home, rather they look them up in the classroom or in the laboratory.

11. Students develop originality and they feel joy and happiness on their successes.

12. There is no problem of indiscipline as the students are busy in their respective works.

Limitations of Self Learning 


1. Intelligence is immature, we cannot put them in the position of inventors and discoverers.

2. Many techniques are very slow. By following this, it is not possible to finish the curriculum on time.

3. This system is not suitable for primary classes.

4. This system cannot be used everywhere and at all times. There are many occasions when teachers are forced to give direct knowledge.
