Educational Technology: Concept, Scope and Significance
Educational technology solves educational problems on the basis of mechanization of educational process and psychological principles.
It is used in teaching-learning system, examination system, school administration, research and distance and open education etc.
In this sub-chapter, you will make an analytical study of the concept, scope and importance of educational technology.
Concept of Educational Technology
Educational technology is a discipline of education just like education psychology, education philosophy, education sociology and education measurement and evaluation.
The development of scientific inventions and technology has affected every aspect of human life and the field of education is no exception to it.
The mechanization of the educational process has given rise to the discipline of educational technology.
Technology has been used in education in two ways-
1) As a systematic program
2) As an auxiliary material.
A systematic program is a complete package (like the CA package) to achieve an educational goal.
To make any educational program or teaching-learning process more effective, technical means such as projector, power point presentation, CCTV, educational television, smart board, language laboratory, web application etc. are used as auxiliary or communication material.
Before 1960, the discipline of educational technology was confined to teaching-learning materials used for classroom instruction. It is only 'Technology in Education'.
It was associated with the concept of education in which the resources of physics, science and communication technology were used for the smooth and effective conduct of educational activities. B. F. Skinner.
After the development of engineered instruction by Edward, the concept of 'Technology of Education' developed, in which learning and other psychological principles were used to solve educational problems.
On the basis of these principles, teaching-learning materials, assessment tools and educational plans were made.
In the current perspective of education, the concept of educational technology is a proper compilation of both the concepts 'technology in education' and 'technology of education'.
Nature of Educational Technology
Educational technology has the following three components :
1. Input:
In order to make the teaching-learning system effective, there is a need to pay attention to the input.
Under this the emphasis is on the initial behavior of the learner, i.e. whether they are ready or not to learn the upcoming lesson.
In this, their prior knowledge, skills and mental level are assessed.
Along with this, the availability of teaching-learning materials, teaching methods by teachers and the skill of using teaching-learning materials are also included.
2. Process:
Under this, appropriate learning experiences and teaching strategies are selected.
Appropriate opportunities are created to present the subject matter in a systematic manner.
Simultaneously, opportunities and strategies for motivation and reinforcement are also selected.
It also emphasizes on creating an interactive learning environment.
3. Output:
Under this, the responses of the students are evaluated in the context of the expected objectives and necessary feedback is also given for improvement in the teaching-learning system.
Scope and Significance of Educational Technology
The following are the areas of application of educational technology-
1. Planning of Teaching: It includes task-analysis, determination of learning objectives, classification of learning objectives and various approaches to write them in practical terms. Bloom, Miller, Mager, Various approaches to lesson planning are included, Herbert, Dewey, Morrison, Bloom, concepts related to human nature, classroom management, etc.
2. Learning Environment: Under this, teacher-student ratio, seating arrangement of students, arrangement of almirah or cupboard, cleanliness, decoration and physical facilities of the classroom, arrangement for display of teaching-learning materials and experiments,
Arrangement of chalkboard (smart board for smart class room) and form of communication between teacher and learner, form of questions asked by teachers etc.
3. Teaching-learning Process: Under this, the interaction between the teacher, the learner and the subject matter is included.
It includes learning or psychological theories, teaching strategies, teaching models, individualized learning materials (programmed learning and computer assisted learning), administration of instruction, guiding students, motivation, reinforcement and support, teaching-learning materials (audio-visual materials and Use of multimedia), innovative teaching strategies etc. are emphasized.
4. Means of Communication: Process of communication, types of communication, barriers to communication, means of communication, selection of appropriate audio-visual aids, types of audio-visual aids, multimedia and mass communication approaches etc. are included in this.
5. Modification in Teacher's Behaviour: It includes difference between reinforcement and feedback, micro-teaching, teaching skills (lesson introduction, explanation, questioning, explanation with examples, reinforcement and feedback, stimulus change, blackboard writing. ), Exemplary teaching, classroom interaction analysis etc. elements are emphasized.
6. Controlling Teaching: Under this comes the evaluation system, evaluation procedures, learning measurement, assessment tools, achievement tests, etc.
7. Research: Emphasis is placed on action research to improve teaching and other educational activities, as well as the use of computers is also included to make research more efficient and reliable.
8. School Administration and Management: Systems analysis approach to educational technology is applied for planning and designing educational plans and programmes.
9. Distance Education: Preparation of modules and multimedia material for distance education program, arrangement of online courses, video conferencing and discussion group, online assignments and examinations etc. come under this.
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