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Features of National Curriculum Framework 2005 | National Curriculum Framework 2005 pdf


Formulation of National Curriculum Framework – 2005 Features and Objectives 


Both the teacher and the student get proper guidance through the curriculum. Efforts are always being made to improve the curriculum and make it innovative. 

The aspirations of the society and the present time can be fulfilled only through the curriculum, so all the education experts improve the courses from time to time through their efforts. 

The National Curriculum Framework, 2005 is also an important and useful link in this curriculum reform.

Formulation of National Curriculum Framework-2005


The Executive Council of the National Council of Educational Research and Training, in its meetings held on 14th and 19th July, 2004, decided to reform or revise the National Curriculum.

Representatives of higher education institutions, academic members of the National Council of Educational Research and Training, teachers of schools and representatives of non-governmental organizations were included as members in the committees that prepared the National Curriculum Framework-2005.

Discussions were held regarding this in every region of the nation. Along with this, regional seminars were also organized in the regional educational institutes of the council located at Ajmer, Mysore, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar and Shillong.


Consultations were held with State Secretaries, State Councils of Educational Research and Training and members of the Board of Examinations. 

A national conference was organized to seek suggestions from rural teachers. 

Advertisements were given in national and regional newspapers, so that people could give their opinion about the new curriculum and a large number of people responded.

The revised National Curriculum document begins with a quote from Rabindranath Tagore's essay Civilization and Progress, in which the poet reminds us that creativity and bountiful joy are the keys to childhood and are at risk of being subverted by the mindless adult world.


In his excitement he forgot one thing, a fact which at the time seemed so trivial to him that in this temptation something was lost which was far superior to his toy, a perfect child. The toy merely expressed his wealth, not the child's creative energy. There was neither joy in his games for the children nor an open invitation to the companions. – Tagore 

Features of National Curriculum Framework-2005


The salient features of the National Curriculum Framework, 2005 are as follows –

  • Education without burden Reducing the burden of curriculum based on the understanding of the report.
  • To make systemic changes consistent with curriculum reform.
  • Creation of a citizenry that is committed to democratic practices, values, gender justice, sensitive to the problems and needs of Scheduled Castes, Tribes and children with special needs and has the ability to participate in political and economic processes.
  • Need to place in the curriculum the processes that develop critical perspective on socio-cultural reality.
  • Areas of students' participation-observation, investigation, analytical discussion etc. are equally important as the content of knowledge.
  • Holistic approach to student development and learning.
  • To create an inclusive environment for all the students in the class. Promote student participation and creativity in knowledge construction.
  • Active learning through experiential means.
  • Re-orientation of our understanding of teacher and learning.
  • Sufficient space for children's thinking, curiosity and questions in curricular processes.
  • To provide a comprehensive framework for the insightful construction of knowledge by linking knowledge across disciplinary boundaries.
  • Local knowledge and children's experiences are important parts of textbooks and teacher processes.
  • Students associated with environmental projects can contribute to the creation of such knowledge, which is helpful in creating a transparent and public database of the Indian environment.
  • To strengthen the national system of education in a pluralistic society.
  • Curricular practices based on the values ​​enshrined in the constitution, such as social justice, equality and secularism.
  • To ensure quality education for all children.

Objectives of National Curriculum Framework – 2005


Objectives of National Curriculum Framework-2005 Taking inspiration from the ideal of a secular, egalitarian and pluralistic society based on the constitutional values ​​of social justice and equality, some broad objectives of education have been identified in this document, which are as follows –

  • Propensity to participate in the democratic process.
  • Freedom of thought and action.
  • Sensitivity to the well-being and feelings of others.
  • Ability to work to contribute to economic processes and social change.
  • To deal with new situations flexibly and creatively.

If democratic methods of education are to be strengthened, it must also take into account the presence of the first school-going generation, whose retention in school has been made mandatory by a constitutional amendment that made elementary education a fundamental right of every child. has made it. 

With this amendment of the constitution, it is our responsibility to provide health, nutrition and inclusive school environment to all the children irrespective of caste, religious difference, gender and disability related challenges, which helps them to get education and make them strong.

Stages and Objectives of Evaluation
