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Sargent Commission Report 1944 b.ed notes | Sargent Plan of Education 1944


Sargent Commission Report 1944 b.ed notes


Sargent Report 1944

Sargent report 1944 was an important landmark in the history of Indian education. This report is known by many names, like Sargent report, post - war education development scheme in India and report of the central advisory scheme of education, etc. After the end of world war II, the government of India focused on improving the condition of the indians and making effective plans for their development.

For this purpose, the education adviser to the government, John Sargent, was entrusted with the task of preparing a statement for the development of Indian education during the post-war reconstruction commission by the viceroy of the management council.


For this purpose a survey party was formed in 1944, whose President Sir John Sargent was the President. They submitted their detailed report for Indian education. The report was accepted in full by the central advisory board of education and recommended the implementation of the same to the government of India as it was prepared by Sir John Sargent, hence it was named as Sargent Report.


Sargent Plan of Education 1944

Scope of the Sargent Report 1944


The government had expected from the central board of education that -

  • He should make a deep study of the state of government and non - government education throughout the country from elementary education to higher education.
  • He should also see what is the status of all education in the country such as public education, education of the disabled, industrial and technological education, teacher education and women 's education.
  • The board has also observed that the government has so far implemented the proposal of the appointments education committees and the commission and the effect they had in the development of numerical and qualitative development of Indian education.
  • Please take the advice of the government in future scheme of board education.
  • The board will also need to explain how long it will take and how much expenditure it will cost.


Major recommendations of Sargent Report 1944


The recommendations of a sargent report 1944 are as under:

  •  Recommendations related to pre primary education
  •  Recommendations related to elementary education
  •  Recommendations relating to secondary education
  •  Recommendations related to university education
  •  Recommendations on technical, industrial and vocational education
  •  Recommendations on adult education
  •  Recommendations on teaching training
  •  Recommendations on entertainment and social activities.
  •  Recommendations regarding education of the disabled
  •  Recommendations on health of students
  •  Recommendations relating to educational administration 


1. Recommendations related to pre primary education


 The nursery school - Sargent Report reports that if national education is to be successful, different nursery schools should be set up with admission of children aged between 3 and 6 years.

 The provision on free education - Committee has also stated that the education of these children should be free so that poor children can also be educated.

 The aim of the education - Committee 's report clearly shows that education should not be imposed on young children. They must be imparted training in social experience and practice.


2. Recommendations related to elementary education


Universal, compulsory and free education - committee said in its report that universal compulsory and free education should be provided for all children of the age of 6 to 14 years for the success of primary education in India.

Craft education: This report states that primary education should be based on an original seal and the craft art taught must be suited to local conditions. The committee, however, was not in favour of making education expenditure on goods produced by the students.

The medium of instruction - The medium of instruction should be in the mother tongue and English should be taught as a compulsory subject.


3. Recommendations relating to secondary education


  • The duration of secondary education should be six years and the number of children between 11 and 17 years of age should be admitted.
  • For admission to secondary education, only those students who possess exceptional aptitude for higher studies, aptitude, aptitude and other qualifications.
  • According to the committee, students should accept secondary education for at least 14 years and should not be allowed to leave school before that.
  • Such education should be imparted to high school dropouts. That would enable them to become self - reliant and able to stand on their own feet.


4. Recommendations related to university education


 3 year degree course - The sargent scheme of education has suggested a 3 year degree course. Intermediate classes should be closed and 11th should be added to high school, while 12th grade should be added to university education.

 The rules of admission - The rules of admission should be strict so that only qualified children can take up higher education. Out of the fifteen students who complete secondary education, only one student should receive an essay on university education which is eligible for education.


 The meritorious teachers - Sargent reports emphasize the choice of qualified teachers to raise standards of education in universities.

 Teacher learner relationships - The interaction between teachers and students should be smooth and interlinked.

 University Grants Commission - The UGC was also directed by the sargent reporter to set up a university grants commission in the country. Its installation was made in 1945. Its function was to monitor the affairs of the three central universities at aligarh, banaras and Delhi.


5. Recommendations on technical, industrial and vocational education


The sargent report places great emphasis on technical and vocational education. It lays down four categories of artisans which are as under:

  •  High class of artisans
  •  Inferior category of artisans
  •  Skilled workman
  •  Semi skilled and unskilled artisan 


6.  Recommendations on adult education


  • According to the committee, no democratic life can succeed unless illiteracy is completely eradicated.
  •  The scheme envisages two types of general education and vocational education for adults.
  •  Individual institutions for adult men and women should be established according to the sarvant scheme.
  •  A moving library should be provided to make it more popular.
  •  No more than 25 adults should be laid at an adult education centre.
  •  The curriculum of adult education has been suggested that they should be covered with economics, civics, history, geography and health sciences.


7. Recommendations on teaching training


  •  The report directs that India lacks teachers and has more students. Therefore, efforts should be made to increase the number of teachers.
  •  Training colleges should have free training facilities.
  •  Any teacher who wants to undertake any research in the field of education should be required to undertake such research.
  •  Financial assistance should be provided to poor trainees.
  •  To attract competent persons to the teaching profession, increase the scale of pay of teachers at all levels.


8. Recommendations on entertainment and social activities.


  •  The report emphasises the conduct of youth power. Youth should get facilities for all types of social work.
  •  It recommended that students of 11 years of age should be involved in various activities.
  •  Collective play for students in large classrooms should be held for constructive work, debating competitions, etc.


9. Recommendations regarding education of the disabled

Special attention has been paid to the training of the persons unable to report. There should be different characteristics for mentally and physically challenged persons. There should be a special educational management including trained teachers for the blind and the latter hero.

The disabled should be trained for gainful employment as far as possible.


10. Recommendations on health of students


  •  It is reported that any education scheme should focus on protecting and developing children 's health. The report for this contains the following Suggestions
  •  Health education in schools be compulsory
  •  The school 's environment is clean, the rooms are large and the seating furniture is appropriate.
  •  The examination of the students should be carried out on the age of 6, 11 and 14 years.
  •  There should be provision for lunch in the school.


Merits and Demerits of Sargent Report 1944

Merits of Sargent Report 1944


  • Sargent scheme has a historical significance in view of the development of national system of education. This was a scheme that used to present a complete picture of education in India. The scheme has the following features:
  •  This report makes a deep study of the national plan of education.
  •  The report had detailed many schemes for carrying education to the common mind.
  •  The report suggests several commendable measures for teaching the mentally retarded and disabled children.
  •  The reporter has recognized the importance of the teacher in making education successful. The reports have been asked to increase the scale of pay of teachers, give them suitable training and plan to improve their standards.
  • The report also emphasises the health of students, directs the students regarding medical examination and free treatment.


Demerits of Sargent Report 1944


The major drawback of the sarvant report are:

  • It would be wrong to term the sartant report as the national system of education because it is a copy of the pattern current in England. England is a developed country while India is not. Therefore, it is not advisable and desirable to consider educational standards in England as educational standards for India at all.
  •  It lays down only the ideals which receive the report. But these ideals determine the means to be achieved.
  • It is not an original report, it is only a piece-breaking piece of recommendations issued by various committees and commissions from time to time.
  •  Crores of rupees were estimated for the implementation of the report and 75% of the expenditure was made by the public, which was impossible. Despite India 's poor financial condition, the report prepared a very costly scheme of education.
  •  It contains only a summary of the basic education scheme on elementary planning.


Impact of Sargent Report 1944


This report was very encouraging for India, as soon as it was received by the central government, it was ordered to set up a five - year programme for its implementation, to give Rs. 10 crore to complete the first five year plan. Not only that, he ordered the 40 year plan to be completed in 16 years.

In pursuance of the first five year plan the bureau of polytechnic education in Delhi was set up in 1945 and the UGC in 1946. Planned work was started at all levels of education, but it is quite different that no standard of education could progress satisfactorily. After that our country became free in 1947, we looked suspiciously at the plan made by the British and started our efforts to plan anew truth for free India. All this has been described in accordance with the nature of education in India.

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